Monday, April 1, 2019

REPUBLISHING OF TREATED WITH RESPECT? (Additional Update Dates are Below)

(For the cause of the late Janet J & hers who were & may still in a number of cases be disrespected!)

Lack of respect for the rights of others is so very pervasive in this society & it can all be traced back to the two (2) demoralizing "values" instituted by the Mastermind as documented in the post CLARITY DESCRIBED & ON DISPLAY - Part 1 (REPUBLISHD), as having the most devastating impact on this Dominion, (which has found "clever" ways to attempt to mask over such "actions" as depicted in the included photo below - 4/1/2019).
And as a result, whether one individual is "publicly" disrespected as documented in the post "REPOSTING OF THE STRANGE DEATH OF AN ICON - UPDATED" or a multitude who make their humiliation known publicly, its symptomatic of the very toxic state this society is in.

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