Monday, April 1, 2019

CLARITY DESCRIBED & ON DISPLAY - Part 2 (REPUBLISHED & Additional Update Dates are Below)

This post has been separated into two parts with CLARITY DESCRIBED & ON DISPLAY - Part 1 (REPUBLISHED) focused on showing that the inconsistency that was made to appear as if existed in the different parts of the Biblical text between the sixty-four (64) versus the remaining two (2) futuristic works was aimed at establishing credibility for THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S former ABITRATOR who was conveying deity upon himself & Part 2 being the Conclusion that helps to underscore the difference between what was ushered in & what would have been established if in fact THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER was directly connected with what had been implemented in the Dominion(s) (4/5/2019).

With the world-wide reach that was established discretely with the "image" of an empire, evil was "ensured" to effect the thwarting of the role of the overcomer because of its significance with relevance to the maintaining of the EM as pointed out in the New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW - Part 1.
The absence of respectful conduct in the Dominions dedicated to evil exposed that what was passing itself off for the will of THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER was definitely not the case because if this had in fact been so, respectful conduct would have been an existing standard (4/5/2019). As a result, there was nothing around to balance what had been allowed to become the "the only game in operation" unless it had the potential to impede THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER'S will with regards the intended program (4/5/2019). What would have been seen if THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER was actually involved was RESPECT FOR ALL & TRUE CHOICE , meaning the journey of this Servant exposed the fact that what was representing itself as Lord god was not in anyway connected with THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER from any perspective (4/4/2019). If in fact the society ushered in the Earth's Dominion was reflective of a place where the type of conditions promoted by THE RECTIFER were intrinsically upheld, then respectful conduct would have been evident (4/4/2019).THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER permitted the "headstrong" Mastermind (or THE CREATORto do things his way as described above because ALL were (are) being shown the difference between THE RECTIFER'S way as opposed to those dedicated to evil as described in the New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW - Part 1, which underscores the importance of living a lifestyle free of evil doing (4/4/2019).
"The only game in operation" successfully introduced material "things" & as a byproduct of evil pursuits as what should be the most important focus of the society, and this was followed "religiously" such that the message that came across loud & clear was & is follow what's in place or "suffer" the consequences, (which this Servant "experienced" in many ways - 4/3/2019).
A CREATOR'S SINCERELY representing THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER'S standards on the other hand would consistently demonstrate 1) choice for ALL & 2) love for wanting creation to be living free of evil as underscored in the New Arrangement Blog post THE CREATOR'S STANDARDS FOR CONDUCT GOING FORWARD. However, to achieve this outcome, the journey of this Servant was "effected" by the RECTIFER to enable the program being executed to be carried out appropriately (4/4/2019). 
The "controlling" state this Dominion is in as described in the 2nd of two witnesses, that are THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S former ABITRATOR'S namely, "The Revelation...", which states that NONE will be able to carry out any (uplifting) income generating activity, only those corrupted (possessing the "mark of the beast.." will be able to) showed that most in this Dominion were incapable of being respectful of others as well as with living things (4/5/2019) . However, since all do "THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S - RECTIFER'S" will ultimately for the intended program those effecting these specific conditions detailed (regarding the "mark") described are indeed "generally" NOT impeding the intended program. It's the absence of these (standards) & other types of deplorable conditions that will be the "hallmark" of What's New in the correct environment. The state ushered in by the Mastermind eventually "engulfed" him in the attempt to cement himself in the role he had carved out as "Lord god" manipulating Adam Pretender to ensure that his tenure would last "forever" as long as he could either get &/or force all to be upholders of evil (continually - 4/5/2019). The avenues established by manipulating Adam Pretender required a path of escape because these pervasive evils that exist everywhere ALL AROUND is why there is a need for a restart to usher in a society in the correct environment as highlighted by the criteria outlined in The Outcome of These Developments section of the New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW - Part 2. The role of the mediator/implementer of the "Surprise Quiz" that was really a guise to pursue "operation population" of the Earth helped to underscore the absence of any standards in this Dominion dedicated to evil outcomes, but even these developments were used by THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S - RECTIFER to effect the needed, desired program encompassing the journey of this Servant (4/4/2019).

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