Tuesday, April 2, 2019


For the cause of all those who sincerely longed for intervention from whom they concluded would be a benevolent CREATOR who suffered under the brutality of the last of the four (4) World Empires (Rome) & found hope in the new movement, which was spreading fast through the "Churches" model that was springing up for relief from their suffering that what was being "preached' was correct and true.


The main purpose of the Biblical Book of The Revelation..." was 1) to expose that the return of Christ was not going to take place immediately after his death to John, as the believers in the "churches" that were springing up were expecting for inclusion in the initial chapters of this Book as well as to serve as a point of reference for this Servant as had been effected by THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER as pointed out in the Background Information section of the post New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW Part 1 (with regards to my journey/quest) & 2) to "depict" the most significant events in the Earth's history through graphic imagery that would all together come to either directly or indirectly, impact the journey of this Servant in one way or another (4/3b/2019). These events are associated with the Action Angels throughout the various chapters and are discussed in more details in the post THE 18 EVENTS THAT SHAPED THE EARTH'S HISTORY - (REPUBLISHED (4/3/2019). What this in effect really means is that Adam Pretender had nothing to do with the two (2) futuristic books & these two (2) Witnesses were NOT part of the original 64 Biblical books but were the only two (2) effected by THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S ARBITRATOR who in addition to THE RECTIFER  is aware of the future from a "big picture" perspective (4/4/2019).

Details of Importance

Christ was the son of Joseph and a very high Roman official's wife (in whose household he worked), who studied Hebrew writings associated with his father's heritage and correctly concluded that they were fraudulent at best & was a Servant who received his "commission" from the Baptist who was also a Servant & it was his action that set the stage for Christ to compromise his "walk", ensuring that the Mastermind would simply manipulate the developments surrounding him to achieve his objective, namely control of those suffering under the "weight" of the Roman Empire (4/4/2019). This act made the Baptist the real betrayer of Christ, because it set the stage for the events that followed (4/4/2019).
"The Revelation..." does show that THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER'S Servant's journey would be "framed" by the activities surrounding the "Action Angels" throughout this text, which introduce (or are associated with) events described in the Book [including the Angels associated with the seven (7) Churches - 4/3b/2019]. The Role of this Servant is to clarify the many misconceptions about God and other critical events in the Earth's history that commence after the messages to the Churches. The secondary purpose of this Biblical text as it was used by THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S ARBITRATOR was to show that he was really the Mastermind (or the Serpent) who would attempt to use my journey through Adam Pretender to cement himself in the role he had carved out as Lord god having realized that this Servant's role meant that his reign ("returning") in various personalities was ended & this was his final act (or "curtain") as pointed out in the song he initiated "My Way" (4/3/2019). It must be borne in mind that THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER permitted Adam Pretender to "return" in various personalities over the Earth's history but the "return" of Seth's would come later as only the  RECTIFER can effect such (4/4/2019).

Importance of this Servants Role:

LUCIFER THE MORNINGSTAR POWERis the original female "created" by THE CREATOR & had been placed in the Earth with direction NOT to produce human life & ignored her mandate that set the stage for "operation population" after being unable to give birth to the infant she was carrying that resulted in her "make a statement" decision to rapidly populate the Earth in the very disrespectful manner she effected it as in part discussed in the New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW Part 1 because of what she had the potential to enact* (see Footnote - 4/3/2019). These developments in all fairness must be viewed from the perspective of the discussion in "The 115 Enacted Measures..." paragraph of the Ensuing Developments section of the post REPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE - Part 3which showed that Lucifer was manipulated into this action by the Mastermind (4/3/2019). It was the RECTIFER that redirected the journeys of this Servant to ultimately serve as the avenue through, which the objectives in The Outcome of These Developments of the New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW - Part 2 would be enabled for What's New (4/3b/2019). However, it could NOT be said that this Servant without any complex capabilities had any built in advantage by any means even though those dedicated to evil went to great lengths to disrupt my journey in their domain with their overwhelming advantage. These forces could not prevent this Servant from carrying out the intended journey/quest even though this servant had no complex capabilities to enable the role to be carried out as was available to those who chose to adopt evil as the means to an end.
This Servant was NOT made aware of various critical details about the significance of my journey until it was in its very "latter" stages, in the manner in, which THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER chooses to effect such intentions in this very critically important mission implemented & undertaken out of love for all creation (4/4/2019). This means that even though this Servant's steps were as described in the post  CLARITY DESCRIBED & ON DISPLAY - Part 2 (REPUBLISHED, Cedar Omega had to be subjected to the same conditions ALL were exposed to & NOT compromise his inherent principles (of right & wrong) that ALL know to be the case.


This Servant's journeys were needed to demonstrate that what was carefully "woven" by those who followed the evil example ushered in by Adam Pretender (as manipulated by the Mastermind) & resulted in Adam Pretender final personalities (in the roles being carried out) & their followers leading ALL into evil except 1, this Servant in this role in order to demonstrate an uplifting example specifically for the vindication of females that will enable five (5) females in addition to a "grandfathered" female to be included in What's New as described in the New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW - Part 2 (4/4/2019). This journey sets the framework for ushering in What's New generally in the correct environment as appropriate in contrast to the activities carried out by Adam Pretender's & the Mastermind as exampled by the flawed "Surprise Quiz" in addition to his "Lord god" assumed role as well as others that THE 18 EVENTS THAT SHAPED THE EARTH'S HISTORY - (REPUBLISHED post bear witness to (4/3a&b/2019).
It must be stated that even though Christ was a Servant who "failed" to implement his mandate, it was none-the-less vital and an excellent example to demonstrate that ALL do THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S  RECTIFER'S will where the intended program is involved as even Adam Pretender's flawed Bible (for the most part) was used by this Servant in order to gain needed details for this journey successfully (4/3b/2019). Case in point, it was Christ who was noted for his parables & one of the most important was "to whom much is given, much is expected" & this serves as an important reminder about the execution of responsibilities appropriately as opposed to inappropriately even though he (Christ) was a "flawed" Servant & did one thing before the "cameras" & had a completely different "walk" off "camera"; this was no surprise to THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER (4/3b/2019). This also serves to differentiate between the Mastermind's approach with the resources at his availability as oppose to THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER (even though possessing even more capabilities) chose different reminders that represent what they are noted for, namely the pursuit of large population's built upon the disrespectful treatment he subjected the helpless females to in order to effect his "operation population" mission that ushered in societies ALL dedicated to evil versus the initiation of this Servant's journey/quest to vindicate & show respectful treatment for females who are still after all these ages being subjected to disrespectful lifestyle conditions in order to "survive" in the societies he (the Mastermind) established (4/4/2019).  As a result, THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER is the basis from, which the needed restart will take place, approximating the conditions that originally were intended in the correct environment (with some modifications) and implement what was intended to take place with this Servant carrying out the role as the SERVANT CARETAKER as further discussed in THE OVERCOMER NOTABLES post under the discussion for the Servant Cedar Omega (4/3b/2019).

* Footnote:
The referenced actions involved Lucifer's inability to deliver her unborn child as effected by THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP’S ARBITRATOR as described in the New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW - Part 2 to punish her for the taking a stand on behalf of her family because of the dysfunctional conditions, which existed (4/3a&b/209). In this arrangement THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP’S ARBITRATOR eventually destroyed Lucifer (4/4/2019).

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