Thursday, April 11, 2019


For the cause of the late very talented Lea Michelle who was singled out for harsh treatment when her costar & friend Cory met his sudden demise for his portrayal of the simple but sincere character, high school student Fin by those types who know only too well how to demonstrate disrespect for the rights of others (11/19/2019).
As a result of this development (the loss of Lea as well) & what this talented performer was subjected too; the previously announced "Variety (Auction, Talent) Workshop Inclusive" is being expanded & made known conceptually from the perspective of what can possibly be initiated, in the hope that some type of meaningful activity will take place from the various aspects included here & is now being divided into two parts with this part, Part 1 focused on the Background Information, Related Details of Interest & Conclusion sections. & Part 2 focused on Additional Background DetailsGiving Back & Giving Back Conclusion sections (1/5/2020). Please follow below for the details (1/5/2020).

Background Information:
The "scheduled" revival that was HALTED due to the specific details previously made known can if carefully considered be undertaken primarily for the purpose of aiding the Dominions Project ONLY as indicated in Figure 3i & as a result, this limits where it can be carried out such as to somewhere in northern Continental NA for strategic purposes & furthermore all those included are OVERCOMER NOTABLE CONSIDEREES (12/24/2019). What was being considered involves realizing the following objectives (11/4/2019):
  • the purchase of a small to medium sized country type store & the products carried auctioned,
  • the auction activity includes being interspersed & blended with the musical productions in order to avoid any conflict of competing interests,
  • the previous activity undertaken very effectively, by Paula Abdul & continued by M.C Hammer known as the Recovery of Royalties Cash Assets (RRCA) will become instrumental as the source from, which the specific musical production numbers will be selected &
  • to compliment this the Sportspersons Compelling Case for Simplicity Asset Recovery (SCCSAR) will be also included for those who can demonstrate such by their life stories with these cases being "set" to appropriate music & becoming productions to add variety (10/26b/2019). The outcome of this activity may very well be surprising because those who most likely will be able to demonstrate such probably will turn out to be the least expected (11/19/2019).  
To achieve the above objectives, first of all the Staging Coordinator will have to be relied on to incorporate as many of the products into the various scenes that the musical productions are executed in, including clothing types to be offered in the auction, with the Overall Facilitator serving as the MC as well as auctioneer while taking the time to point out the appropriate information to the audience. In short, the various production numbers would the backdrop to highlight the various auction products for effective blending purposes, using the RRCA database (10/24/2019). This activity (the pursuit of the royalties) can be carried out in conjunction with the Workshop activity & from this perspective the Creative/Artistic Director will be able to more effectively develop the themes, which the music will be centered around because of the available extensive Artists Listing from, which the music to be presented will be from this artists listing source & for all the materials (music) used (10/24/2019).
Royalty assets activity will be pursued until recovery is secured with the objective of 97% being returned to those artists who really owned the music & the remaining 3% divided as follows (11/4/2019):
  • 30% will be given to Cher who will become the Sound/Video Recording & Musical Coordinator (12/5/2019)
  • 9% will be given to business trained Meghan Morrow who will become the Research Analyst (12/12/2019)
  • 9% will be given to Paula Abdul who will become Assistant Research Analyst (12/12/2019)
  • 20% will be given to Tony Orlando who will become the Assistant Musical Sound & Video Recording Coordinator (11/1/2019)
  • 14% will divided among the remaining Variety Performers who keep the clothing worn by them as part of the staging during their productions in support of the auctions & in addition for Inventory handling activities & (11/19/2019)
  • 18% will be retained by the Ownership Structure (12/5/2019).
Related Details of Interest:
The best sellers (products) will be the main products offered/sold continuously via this avenue & any unneeded properties owned sold/auctioned off as the "brick & mortar" properties would no longer be needed (10/20/2019). 
The live on-location "Auction Workshop Inclusive" will be carried out in an appropriate location where the rustic charm that will be ideally beneficial to the weekly events that will be held (11/19/2019).
The SCCSAR activity will be based on the selecting of those who submit in writing a compelling case for simplicity based on their life stories (for example, an individual who in spite of the "rewards" that come with such achievements stayed very close to his or her roots, meaning chose to maintain actual connections to the community of their upbringing via a base residence &/or meaningful investment, such would be an example of a very compelling case for simplicity on the part of this individual &) the  best cases will be used & the support of the Structure lent to assist those selected obtain the real value of the assets due them & their stories used to become production numbers (somewhat as carried out in opera activity - 11/6/2019). Those whose stories are used in this manner will be given 14% of the Structure's 21% typically retained from the overall auction income derived & will be divided if combinations are used to achieve the desired objective (11/19/2019). To aid with this effort an SCCSAR Manager & Assistant will become the focal point to whom the material submitted will be evaluated for the selecting of the best cases (11/10/2019). The recovered assets will be allocated with the objective of the sportsperson receiving 89% of their contractual amount & the Structure retaining 11% to be divided as follows (11/4/2019): 
  • SCCSAR Manager Maria Sharapova will receive 30% (11/29/2019)
  • SCCSAR Assistant Manager Lindsey Vonn  will receive 25% (12/4/2019) &
  • the Structure will retain 45% (11/29/2019).
Based on this approach, this Manager will be the primary person dealing with this activity along with the Assistant, (11/6/2019). This Servant & the SCCSAR Manager & Assistant will be helping with regards the recovery activity to achieve the desired objectives (12/16/2019). The following will constitute the supporting line-up:
  • Production Manager, Occasional Featured Performer Creative/Artistic Director - Cher (11/29/2019)
  • Featured Performer - Tony Orlando
  • Variety Performers - The remaining surviving Cast of Glee
  • Overall Activity Facilitator (Auctioneer), Staging/Wardrobe Manager & Creative/Artistic Assistant - the former Hawaii Governor Cayetano's youngest daughter (12/4/2019)
  • Choreographer - Paula Abdul 
  • Inventory Manager (about, which some details are in The Related Details of Interest section) -  my son Dejon (1/2/2020)
  • Legal Analyst - Teresa Heinz (who along with the assistant carries out routine & ad hoc audits to ensure that the project is meeting its big picture financial objectives - 12/27/2019)
  • Assistant Analyst -  Zindizi  Mandela (12/27/2019)
  • Overall Financial Affairs/Structure's Financial Manager - the former Ann Romney (who ensures that the overall financial objectives are met in addition to ensuring that the various interests are allocated as indicated with regards the RRCA, SCCSAR, the Partnership's 21% Interest, the Vending & the Charter/Tour Guide activity in addition to ensuring that all Regulatory type requirements to carry out all activity are complied with including Federal/State/Local tax determination - 12/5/2019) &
  • Choreographic & Management Consultant - Meghan Morrow (12/12/2019)
  • Management Consultant - my son Dejon (who will undertake various INVS Projects as needed to enable this Servant to more effective in carrying out the overall INVS Coordinating functions & will share this duty as appropriate with Management Consultant Suzanne Sommers - 1/2/2020).   
All those involved as indicated above apart from this Servant will be receiving Cost of Living Allowances (COLAs) based on a percentage of the "Variety Auction Workshop" proceeds, which does not include housing that will be provided (11/10/2019). A legal framework will be considered as the umbrella under, which this activity will be carried out that will include Cher & Ann along with this Servant who will each receive another 0.5% & 1.5% respectively of the Auction proceeds as part of their (COLAs) share of the Partnership's 21% Ownership interests (11/29/2019). The objective here is for all others to collectively share 79% of the proceeds as part of their COLAs (11/4/2019).
In addition, to ensure that the various aspects of the project run smoothly since there will be many pieces to monitor simultaneously to achieve the desired objective, this Servant will become the overall Irreplaceable Nature & Value of Simplicity (INVS) Project Coordinator to realize the standards required as a personal objective for activities, which this Servant supports & will utilize the input of a mgmt. consultant as required (12/20/2019). THOAP HIMSELF will become the Assistant INVS Project Coordinator (12/20/2019). Furthermore, the Overall Financial Affairs Manager & the SCCSAR Manager will rotate between these roles for gaining broader working knowledge of a different aspect of the project for greater effectiveness & based on the outcome of this, those in other positions with some similarity may also be rotated for the same purpose (11/8/2019). 
To add broader appeal to the Project's talent process, the most effective of the weekly presentations that will be sound & video recorded live for determining with the Structure's input, which will in turn be also released as sound "live concerts", available on CD to those unable to attend due to the location (10/30a&b/2019). Furthermore, to gauge the authenticity of the effectiveness, every twenty-first (21st) presentation will be a repeat of the most effective of the "live concerts", to get the reaction of a different audience before making them available on CDs for a more broader audience (10/26/2019). The proceeds gained from these releases once ROYALTIES ARE DEDUCTED (IMPLYING THE OBJECTIVE IS THAT 50% OF ALL CD SALES PROCEEDS) & MADE AVAILABLE TO THOSE ARTISTS/ETC. WHO REALLY OWN THE MUSIC, will also be added to & counted in the overall total that is distributed as part of the 79%/21% arrangement to be provided as discussed above.
In addition, routine periodic as well as ad hoc audits will be carried out by the Legal Analyst & Assist to ensure that the Project is meeting all its indicated objectives (11/10/2019).
Additional activity, which could be undertaken include the placement of twenty five (25) vending machines in the facilities to be filled with appropriate snacks to be independently operated by the very capable & effective Suzanne Sommers (who will be the 85% Owner/Manager), my son Dejon will be a 5% Owner & the Structure will retain a 10% ownership in this activity (1/2/2020). This will be the avenue via, which the machines will be kept filled to the benefit of all who will come to rely on these as a source of wholesome snacks & in this activity (10/24/2019). In addition, an independent Charter Travel/Tour Guide activity will be established to bring audiences from various point to these weekly activities, that will benefit the local accommodation entities in the area to be appropriately selected with the objective being ownership/management of this activity will be undertaken by the  individual who lived the dream of the father this Notable tried to fervently aspire to Megan M (who will a 45% owner), the Notable  Faith Wilson - will become a 50% Owner/Manager) & the Structure will maintain a 5% ownership in this activity (12/4/2019).


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