Thursday, April 11, 2019


For the cause of my late dear "1st American" friend Lois Bruno, who was subjected to experiences far beyond anything conceivable in this Land of the Free & Home of the Brave as documented in the Conclusion section of the post REPUBLISHING OF THE REASON FOR THE FAULTS - Part 2, which should leave any reasonable individual to wonder what type of Dominion we are really living in, when such developments can take place and ALL carry on as if nothing much has occurred, underscoring the reason why the original Conservery Blog Dedication was instituted in part for her [that itself (the Blog) was stolen by those with little to no regard for the rights of others].

Based on the above developments the previously announced Preserve activity that could have been carried out & become THE ST. PETER (BARBADOS) BIRD PRESERVE, would have required the following for implementation:
  • the acquisition of a landmark property & surrounding parcels in the area of my upbringing
  • the restoration of the decaying structure to become a bird sanctuary
  • the enhancement of the existing 10-acre lot to include a scenic pond as well as nature trails
  • the establishing of an interpretive center & notable gift shop in a nearby property that will include three (3) vending machines with appropriate snacks to be independently managed by another longtime endearing friend with much capable assistance 
  • the establishing of much needed parking on surrounding properties to be acquired 
  • the possible acquisition & reopening of a "sister" facility in another Caribbean island to compliment each other - in this facility the vending machine will be independently managed by a capable individual 
  • the needed staff (approximately 9) to manage & operate the facilities long-term &
  • in order to implement these plans, a longtime dear friend could have been called upon to become Project Manager to assist with the realization of this activity from start to completion on terms to be negotiated.
With this announcement it is hoped that these activities that were mentioned previously as part of "Giving Back" will now be given the foundation to become the worthwhile & meaningful endeavor originally considered & in this very skilled individual's selection, the implementing would have been finally set in motion. Furthermore, to assist with execution of the operating of the facilities another longtime very dear friend would have been called upon to become the overall Manager ensuring that both would have been operated soundly but more than likely would have been based at a 2nd facility that would have been acquired. 
Unfortunately, a preliminary assessment of this idea/concept has revealed that it would require:
  • a minimum of $25 million to implement it &
  • as a stand-alone operation, it requires ongoing (financial) support to maintain it as a viable activity in a neighborhood that has changed vastly from what it used to be in the days of my upbringing.
This was an avenue via, which the very professionally capable selectees would have been assisted as well as a few others & to allthis Servant sincerely regrets having to make the decision NOT to proceed with it. 

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