Thursday, April 4, 2019


The cause of promoting worthwhile but forgotten practices is so important that these activities are being published as a post about how to organize & maintain a private Permanent Exhibition of Old Fashioned Living/Lifestyle Customs that is now being combined with the Old Fashioned Cotton Machines Permanent Exhibition with responsibilities that include:
  • Retrieving & preserving artifacts for display,
  • Appropriate travel to locations to acquire material/pieces,
  • Ensuring the works are displayed to protect them from deteoriation,
  • Organizing the displays into interesting & compelling arrangements,
  • Ensuring that conflict with the overall intent of the dual Exhibition focus doesn't occur,
  • Strong familiarity with early American & other International historical culture/customs will become very beneficial and is essential,
  • Ensuring that the Exhibition conditions are maintained to encourage rekindling interest in simple but useful "lost" customs and
  • Maintaining the Exhibition activities to prevent general distractions from their main purpose.
The benefits of such a worthwhile activity include rekindling knowledge about lost practices that have become practically extinct with the focus on modern conveniences, which tend to promote the type of living/lifestyles centered around the disrespectful customs that the economy of these existing societies is built around.
It must be noted that even though this post focuses on Old Fashioned Lifestyle/Living Customs & Old Fashioned Cotton Machines the generic responsibilities involved with maintaining a museum/permanent exhibition level collection associated with any subject matter, for example wholesome photographic/art collection, is also applicable (4/4/2019).

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