Sunday, July 14, 2019


THE CREATOR (GOD) (MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL) is in reality the Earth's Patriarch (as implied in Figure 2b) who effected the human population all as SUV's as indicated in Event #11 from the post REPUBLISHING OF THE 18 EVENTS THAT SHAPED THE EARTH because human HE chose NOT to produce such individuals in any other manner whom HE was aware would become dedicated to evil (12/16/2019). As a result, the availability of the whole body for those in What's New is a means of outfitting the SUV's with pure parts, that's why the standard for obtaining such is so very high (12/16/2019). These verses below are dedicated to the living things that were used to effect all that has resulted in the populations in all the populated Dominions (12/16/2019).  

What can be said when they appear,
except that what's on display is intrinsically dear,
it may even be said that they are so connected,
because one wouldn't be possible without the other's special
touch that if definitely reflected.
Therefore Worthwhile & Meaningful (depicted below)
(VIDEO ADDED 12/4/2019)
are like flowers from trees of delight,  (12/1b/2019)                                

to be carefully (protected) & hold in sight,
To "save" them less they become affected by plight (11/2/2019).
They cannot be mistaken when set amidst the throngs,

because their uplifting qualities make them radiate like rhythmic songs.
As a result, without worthwhile there's no meaningful,
and in this context that leads to hopeful,
which is a very powerful quality that's so helpful;
to uplift & support as well as should never be considered resentful.
However, it turns out that (as all were created by HER) & are very WHOLESOME (12/1/2019),
because the inner strength SHE possesses, isn't tiresome
& can be grand (12/1/2019),
making HERS a cause that will never be bland (12/1/2019)!

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