GLOSSARY REPUBLISHED (NEW 4/10/2019 (Additional Update Dates are Below)

WORDS/PHRASES:                                                  MEANINGS

CREATOR GOD --- See the New Liveli Blog post with the same title
                                              THE CREATOR (GOD) for additional details about this
                                              subject, which outgrew its original intent here

FULFILLMENT --- Is the outcome of a life simply focused around meaningful
                                           objectives when a male is respectful of a female with whom
                                           paired in all their undertakings.

                                   THOUGHTFULNESS, & RESPECTFULNESS with inherent
                                   HONESTY, which also includes MEANINGFULWISE-CONDUCT,
                                   combined with PASSIONSINCERITY, for WHOLESOME Caring
                                   The 1st trait listed even though an important one with regards to
                                   kindness with its eleven (11) Lights (as they are called &
                                   highlighted above) and described here is PATIENCE, meaning
                                   unless you have the potential to develop the ability to W-A-I-T
                                   for those things that are of true importance even in a society
                                   in, which instant gratification is promoted, this quality isn't
                                   achievable and/or sustainable; but this isn't the trait of
                                   primary importance. This distinction goes to the quality
                                   regarding being forthcoming for, which two (2) of the
                                   characteristics are associated with, HONESTY & SINCERITY,
                                   which is why none in this society are able to gain it because
                                   what is promoted is what is dedicated to evil as ushered in by
                                   Adam (the Dragon), dishonesty & insincerity that she chose
                                   as the goal for her life (12/12/2019). 
                                  These are supposed to & will be THE CREATOR GOD'S lights in
                                   What's New who affected this Servant's journey in such a
                                   manner in order to attain kindness objectives (12/12/2019).
                                  The society, which was ushered in by Adam who conferred deity
                                   upon herself is very far from focused on any of these qualities
                                   (with the very complicated lives led by most to survive), all
                                   mainly dedicated to evil, which is framed by the manner that
                                   that the Earth was populated in as described in the Laying the
                                   Groundwork For Passing the Blame section of the New Liveli
                                   Blog post
                                   RPBLSHNG CNTRBTNG DETAILS...WHAT'S NU, which has
                                   ensured the very disrespectful treatment for all generally
                                   based on a dictatorial approach, (see the historical ONLY
                                   Conservery Blog post DICTATORIAL STYLE OR NOT as well as
                                   described in Biblical book of "The Revelation.." with its "lamb
                                   like beast" language), which has resulted from the Dragon's
                                   activities & the example of this Servant affected is the standard 
                                   for WN as outlined in the Notes in Figure 3i (12/12/2019).

Lord god ---  This is the term the Mastermind (Mey. for historical accuracy) 
                               in the desire to anoint himself with deity as described in
                               those Biblical works He manipulated
, (see the post

                               THE 18 EVNTS THAT SHPD THE EARTH'S HSTRY (RPBLSHD) &
                               event # 9 (10/16/2019). As a result, it will NEVER be treated as
                               anything more than the attempt by self-centered individuals to
                               elevate themselves into deity via their "godhead" as "god the
                               father" & “god the Holy Ghost” respectively, along with Christ as
                               "god the son", the servant who was manipulated, into bringing his
                               mission into disrepute by his on & off "camera" lifestyles making
                               this the "defining" act of a blasphemous nature (8/5/2019). As a
                               result, this Servant when referencing the term "god" as an
                               indication of what they bestowed upon themselves will be

                               INTENTIONALLY (god) written in lowercase (10/16/2019).
                               What this conveys is the attempt by Mey to confer deity upon
                               himself using the unique physical “arrangement” that THOAP
                               placed those family members in the beginning in, placing all
                               three (3) of them part of the same structure, namely Renee & 
                               Mey along with HiERSELF, as an indication of such as conveyed in
                               the flawed Biblical book generally & in the book of "The
                               Revelation..." specifically where it indicates that the number of his
                              "godhead" is 666, [implying its three (3) aspects -10/16/2019)
                               NEITHER MAN meaning one "created" female being in an intimate
                               posture with a male NOR an effected female producing life were
                               intended to be in existence because THOAP was using the Earth's
                               experiment to determine the ability of human individuals to exist in
                               a less restrictive environment respectfully (10/16/2019).
                               The experiment not only demonstrated the inability of human
                               individuals to be respectful of each other but also with the living
                               things as what takes place in this Dominion bears witness too so
                               vividly (10/16/2019).
                              The Biblical marriage of a male/female is an attempt to imply that
                               man is "framed" in Kindness & implying that producing

                               (male/female) twins (a so called "million dollar" family) would be
                               the outcome of such with the Bible sanctioning this "coming
                               together" for the purpose of producing life (as an indication of
                               deity (10/9/2019).  Most in the society today are unaware of the
                               true basis for many of the customs adopted as evidence of
                               “normal” functioning while not realizing their real intent
                               because NONE were supposed to be in existence furthermore 
                               producing human life (in an attempt to attain deity - 10/16/2019).
                               THE CREATOR GOD'S Olana & whom SHE effected were intended
                               to be the only "individual" (individuals) in existence, with HER
                               creating &/or ushering in life under the appropriate conditions that
                               would not be dedicated to evil as an outcome (10/16/2019). 
                              The intent of the Bible is to sanction producing human life by this
                               coming together (as an indication of such being ordained by deity
                               as well as to subtly give approval for complex females that are
                               used to represent all of the females given a major role throughout
                               the 64 books for, which the Mastermind is responsible

SURPRISE QUIZ---This was in reality a farce & used only as a basis for
                                              attempting to mislead regarding the correct reason for
                                              the implementing of the Enacted Measures (EM) on ALL
                                              the Earth's generations as described in the New Liveli
                                              Blog post 
                                                   RPBLSNG OF CNTBTNG DTILS RGRDNG WH NU


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