Tuesday, February 6, 2018

THE LACK OF SELECTEE RESIDENTS IN THE NEW ARRANGEMENT [(INCLUSIVE)] (NEW 2/6/2018 & UPDATED 2/8 - 2/10, 2/24a&b, 3/5, 3/14, 3/25, 3/30, 5/18, 7/25, 7/31, 8/3 - 8/5 & 8/9 - 8/12/2018 - Additional Update Dates are Below)

For the cause of underscoring why the state of affairs exists with regards WHAT'S NEW with respect to the exclusion of any selectees in any manner either directly or indirectly connected with my journey, which was also very carefully set in motion by THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP (3/3/2019).


THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP alone is fair & have defined the criteria for WHAT'S NEW taking the type of society currently existing, namely one that have taught DISRESPECT FOR ALL & exhibits oppression in this Dominion (& related Dominion) to ensure that evil is given a prominent place, therefore, from this starting point the included details have been compiled to demonstrate the above objective, that will include primarily Living Things (3/20/2019). Below are the applicable details, please follow.

Background Information:

As implied in the Conclusion section of the post NOAH AND THE NEW WORLD CONNECTION, my character traits were brought out in an environment that prepared me to simply do what's right, which is the basis for living "successfully" in this very complicated pseudo society, where nothing is what it really appears to be as ushered in by the Pretender & followed by ALL in the complex society he set up, where one "picture" is presented "for the cameras" while at the same time carrying out untold evil "off camera". All are aware of what's intrinsically right versus wrong even considering the methods she (Julie's as directed by the "Mastermind") ushered in as described in the New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW & summarized in the post THE EIGHTEEN EVENTS THAT SHAPED THE EARTH'S HISTORY (3/20/2019). Therefore, unless their methods are adopted, this complex society makes it almost impossible to survive without THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S "hand" involved only to avoid THEIR will from being impeded (3/20/2019). The very fragile society established by them that CANNOT take even one being different (without resorting to their usual methods), namely circumventing everything "outwardly" established by them to achieve their objective, while pretending that all is well outwardly, because they have NOT come to the realization that being taught RESPECT FOR ALL IS A MUCH BETTER STRUCTURE UPON, WHICH TO BUILD A SOCIETY THAN TEACHING DISRESPECT FOR ALL & leads in turn to the type of conditions described in the Historical only Conservery Blog post CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR IS NOT THE PATH TO AUTHENTICITY, WHEN THE WILL OF GOD IS INVOLVED - UPDATED (3/20/2019).

Details of Importance:

Ushering in a society with its economy built around the mistreatment of females & others to achieve wealth via the monetizing of the human body functions led to many unintended consequences, such as:
  • unwanted and/or abandoned offspring,
  • orphans,
  • runaways, kidnappings & homelessness,
  • single parent households,
  • offspring raised by others because their mothers were kept under the conditions determined for them as "robots" to be able to exist under these exacting scenarios to perform their robotic functions on demand,
  • the adopting of a dishonest "posture" by these "robots" to be able to exist producing wealth for others &
  • these females then "attempting" to be mothers without "kindness" (as it was NOT THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S intent for them to be even in existence consistent with the details outlined in the New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW as THEY saw what would be the outcome as no original female individual was placed in the Earth - 3/20/2019). "Kindness" enables passion and mothering to be separated appropriately, meaning that it was NEITHER THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S intent for the placed male (Lucifer) to produce offspring using the pathway he chose NOR did THEY intend for there to be a society dedicated to unbridled evil continuously & consequently THEY did not intend for any to be used as "robots" under dishonorable conditions (3/20/2019).
Over-riding Objective:
It was THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S will that this Servant's journey be used to demonstrate an uplifting example to offset the prominent place evil & its side effect had been given in these Dominions generally & Earth's specifically (3/20/2019). The devastating impact left by evil cannot be allowed to gain a foothold in WHAT'S NEW & because only living things will become the residents as highlighted in the New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW as it was really only intended for an overcomer IN THE CORRECT ENVIRONMENT (3/20/2019).
How very dishonorable it is for those who were never even supposed to be in existence to continually conclude that they can impede the will of THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP for the intended program & who rarely becomes involved in ANY of this Dominion's activities unless it has the potential to impede THEIR will & it is from this perspective that the limit was INDIRECTLY placed on "operation population" as described in the New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW- 3/20/2019).
The posture of those carrying out the evil agenda adopted based on implementing destruction widely because they really do NOT know how THEIR ways or methods are enacted (as they are basing their concept of THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP on the flawed model included in Julie's 66 Biblical books because they reveal nothing about THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S approach that seldom acts but when its required does so decisively as the only other few occasions on, which a small glimpse was made known about how ITS intensions are effected was to implement the journey of this Servant for the purpose at hand as well as the Enacted Measures (EM) as described in the New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW - 3/20/2019).
The "Mastermind" had a set agenda as described in the above New Liveli post (& did not want to be impeded "IN ANY WAY" plus attempted to "show" her displeasure with THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP decision with regards Julie's "protective placement" (as described in the Footnote of the post THE NEW ARRANGEMENT (INCLUSIVE) & THE REVELATION& this framed the basis for all the actions she directed the "headstrong" Julie into who was characterized as being such an individual who acted without taking the time to use the situation she found herself in to examine why it occurred, namely because of their (the "Mastermind & Julie's") self-centered approach generally - 3/20/2019). They ultimately became ensnared in the "web" of actions they employed to "make her statement" as demonstrated with her Biblical books ascribing deity to herself an act that makes it almost impossible for her to climb down from because of pride (3/202019).


Julie (with the "Mastermind's" assistance) achieved their objective of SEPARATING ALL (EXCEPT THIS SERVANT AS DESCRIBED IN THE NEW LIVELI BLOG POST ABOVEFROM THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP BY PLUNGING THEM HEADLONG INTO A WORLD SURROUNDED BY ALL EVIL PRACTICES throughout the Earth's generations (3/20/2019). Their actions either directly or indirectly resulted in most of the outcomes described in the post THE EIGHTEEN EVENTS THAT SHAPED THE EARTH'S HISTORY, which have had significant impact in the Earth leading to the twenty-two (22) of the most notable imbalances listed in the Outcome of These Developments section of the post THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE - PART 3, (which is not an exhaustive listing) & are a very definitive reminder of the above outcome regarding evil leading to separation from THE  UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP  (3/3/2019).


It was always THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S intent to redirect Julie's overcomer to demonstrate the objectives described in the New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW, who demonstrated the ability to choose to avoid following the very dishonorable methods instituted by the Dominion's societal conditions that taught (3/20/2019):
  • dishonor,
  • disrespect &
  • destruction
However, this Servant was in the midst of these very circumstances & chose even after being surrounded by such, to follow a different path once recognizing first-hand that such activities didn't lead to uplifting or meaningful outcomes (1/1/2019).
What is intended in WHAT'S NEW will be in complete contrast to what was the case in the existing Dominion, as UPRIGHTNESS, RESPECTFULNESS & WHOLESOMENESS will be fostered in the correct environment that honors & carries out the program THEY always intended, consistent with the HIGH STANDARDS outlined even though no Selectees will be included for the reason outlined in the Conclusion section of the New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW (3/20/2019). This scenario was needed because the "Mastermind" caused much contention even in the original Dominion before expulsion & the exclusion of any as Selectee residents in the proper environment without being overcomers as well as connected my journey, underscores this point (3/20/2019).

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