Wednesday, March 7, 2018

THE MEMORABLE WHITNEY HOUSTON! - UPDATED 3/9, 3/12, 3/14 & 6/3/2018

For the cause of the late Whitney Houston & Bobbie's very distasteful demises, see the corresponding video Link - James F. Brazant (new) Facebook Page Video Link to "The (Late) Memorable Whitney Houston".

knows why both Whitney & Bobbie really died,

and who benefitted from that terrible slide?
who can forget that comeback, which lasted "twenty" seconds longer
than Michael Jackson's who never even got to ride,
that set the stage for the connected events, which followed that were
more like two BADLY SCRIPTED DRAMA(S)* (see Footnote), which someone wanted to hide.
What a "fall" for the one who once had a "Bodyguard" for constant protection
to being "alone" in a bathtub that for this songstress was no place
to abide.
There was no applause or cheering fans but only empty sadness.
Two lives shattered & maybe some closely dedicated know about
this "madness",
but whatever is the case & whoever benefitted can be assured that such
developments never bring true gladness & happiness!

* Footnote:
From the Historical only Conservery Blog post.

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