Sunday, March 18, 2018

SORROW IS NEVER LASTI NG! - (NEW 3/18/2018 & UPDATED 3/19/2018)

For the cause of dear Flower of Merit card (as documented in the Conclusion section of the post THE RESIDENTS OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT - & shown below),
Michelle Obama & family.

a mother in THE NEW ARRANGEMENT is effected by tragic circumstances,

and all around just seem mimic painful war dances,
especially when a loved one is taken leaving emptiness, which appear as silent glances,
and memories of time spent seem to be filled with past times of tender remembrances,
at occasions like these it's very good to focus forward to those who bring hope to our lives,
this powerful "force" can't be seen but gives us the ability to "weather" sorrowful rides,
that can be uplifting when needed and more potent than thousands of bees in hives.
These types of events aren't LASTING because times soothes & "heals",
like a long distance runner training for a marathon and not allowing for steals,
this test of endurance also brings much pain but also much happiness when the finish beckons with every stride of our heals.
Therefore even though despair may consume this Flower of Merit mother,
it's only for a short time as experienced by this friend who have spent way too much time there to hover!

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