Thursday, April 4, 2019


For the cause of EFFECTIVE ASSET MANAGEMENT either from highly-skilled-type-individuals or individuals who are capable of acquiring such skills in order to ensure that various assets are adequately maintained & managed, with responsibilities that include:
  • Being cognizant of any unique aspects associated with the location of  the various assets,
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  • Being aware of any applicable process requirements associated with each asset, and making sure that appropriate attention is applied,
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  • Becoming knowledgeable about the state of the various assets through ad hoc checks through appropriate coordination,
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  • Making recommendations about improvements, which would be practical & useful and when appropriate using informal cost benefit analysis to justify the suggestions,
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  • A willingness to become the project manager/assistant to ensure that the various recommendations adopted are carried through to completion while achieving the desired outcomes as appropriate,
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  • Since these combined projects will need a very tested, dedicated and skilled individual, a person with the strong potential to develop the requisite overall asset-management coordination skills who will be able to execute these responsibilities soundly with regards to residential type properties will be an asset and
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  • Maintaining appropriate records (for ex, photographs, etc.) about each project.
These skills will become beneficial for a residential manager who will be provided  with appropriate housing, travel and cost-of-living-assistance (COLA) to support the endeavor.

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