Thursday, April 4, 2019

REPUBLISHING OF THE REASON FOR THE FAULTS - Part 1 (Additional Update Dates are Below)

For the cause of clearly pointing out why the West Coast faults that are centered in California [& have the potential to impact nine (9) other states] exists & to dispel any misconception about their origins, this effort, that began with the original post has now been divided into two (2) parts, with this 1st Part focusing on the developments associated with Lucifer's offspring Clair's actions who is the lone surviving offspring & Part 2 focusing on how this Servant's journey was effected by those earlier developments (4/6/2019)


The events associated with Seth & sibling Clair are so important as indicated below
that addition information is needed to clarify these developments. Please follow below for the applicable details (4/5/2019).

Background Details
s implied in the above referenced post, Seth & sibling Clair's younger offspring/descendants were for the most part eventually relocated to the Americas (the name this land is now known as) that was then connected by a "bank", which permitted travel by foot. To be specific, she ended up in the location that would become their younger offspring's main dwelling place since she was impacted by the loss of Seth in a tragic "accident" (due to the same type of dysfunctional family issues that marked their family with the Mastermind) as their older offspring had been reared in the area that has become known as the Middle East (4/5/2019

o Digress:

Clair had been initially placed with very few females & all the males (except Seth) for "operation population" activities & Clair being the "tough" strong-willed type like Lucifer defied those siblings with whom she was placed & became the STANDOUT FEMALE among the "placees" who refused to allow Adam Pretender & his "crew" to assault her (4/6/2019). She returned to their base & the resulting family feud resulted in the demise of Lucifer & the other females were forced to join Adam Pretender's crew in this activity that only a very few had been singled out for (4/6/2019). As a result, favorite Seth who had avoided being included with the crew left with her & ended up in the location indicated above in, which the climatic conditions would be conducive to residing without clothing (4/6/2019).

o Resume: 

She (Clair) eventually ended up primarily in the southern California area as these areas were all connected at that time & her travels led her to the regions in the extreme south eastern area of the continent stretching between Florida & Central America after Clair had moved on leaving her now growing offspring on their own (4/5/2019). Those who became the original native Americans were Seth's (who was Cedar & Chestnut Clair's - 4/5/2019). Therefore it must be emphasized that the Mastermind kept punishing Clair's & Seth's descendants as the events in the post REPOSTING OF AN (UPDATED) EXCERPT FROM THE POST AT WHAT PRICE LOYALTY! - Part 2 underscore, that his reason was because of the same dysfunctional issues previously mentioned (4/6/2019).
These offspring/descendants successfully adapting to & their expanding in this environment would eventuality come at a high price as indicated in the post  REPOSTING OF AN (UPDATED) EXCERPT FROM THE POST AT WHAT PRICE LOYALTY! - Part 2, meaning this area possessing vast resources would be desired by others to ensure that in time it would become a very powerful nation (due to the manipulation of the Mastermind), which would hold much significance for many end-time events involving THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP RECTIFER'S Servant, who would have an important role by default (as indicated in the Multiple Adversaries section of the post NOAH AND THE NEW WORLD CONNECTION ), because of how the events would unfold. The area where Seth's & Clair's younger descendants were primarily based was marked by a series of faults (on the West Coast from, which many earthquakes originate), since this "line" (Seth's descendants) is the path through, which Cedar Omega would emerge in part, as described in the Introduction & Background Details of Importance sections of the post THE INTRODUCTION OF CEDAR OMEGA-UPDATED (4/6/2019). It was the Mastermind who placed these faults because of the same dysfunctional family issues & then in 1978 to alert Adam Pretender & his other followers that my presence here would be very significant with respect to "business as usual" & that this then student should be "targeted" since I was the individual whom his prophecy in "The Revelation..." was centered around (4/6/2019).   

nother Important Detail of Note:
All of Seth's 33 offspring with Clair were not based in the Americas as the developments in the post REPUBLIISHING OF HOW THE JOURNEYS OF CEDAR OMEGA WERE EFFECTED BY THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER indicate with regards the impact they would hold for this Servant Cedar Omega (since the older offspring they had were left in the Middle East & the young set of 12 relocated with her as previously indicated); nevertheless the faults were placed in this land mass because of how the journey of this Servant progressed in the manner it was brought about in what is now known as the USA.

This post will conclude in the REPUBLISHING OF THE REASON FOR THE FAULTS - Part 2 beginning with the More Recent Developments section (4/6/2019)

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