Saturday, April 6, 2019

REPUBLISHING OF A SUMMERTIME "DEVELOPMENT" - (Additional Update Dates are Below)

For the cause of the reconstruction of my journey in this "Land of The Free & Home of The Brave".

Who would believe that a rock collecting hobby so fulfilling,
could ever result in being chained as being a threat to society that would be so redefining,
by the manipulation of one bent on keeping the Memorial Siting carried out in distant place confining.
The Institution where the confining took place was Colorful on One West,
Enacted  to bring about the needed "decline" that could be obtained there best,
and ensured because none besides park & a few associates really knew what being consumed in the diet served to this "guest".
The day of the "hearing" brought me face-to-face with the Presiding who was dignified & without laughter,
who was consumed by a tragic development a short seven (7) months after (See Comment below).
The "efficient" Institution then proceeded to bill me repeatedly at a fictitious address to "cover" the events that had become a "blaster', 
because payment had been made by the Court that ordered the confinement, which didn't include any plaster.
Near tragic developments didn't end with the Presiding,
because in the cover of darkness in one PM, a younger sibling was wheeled out on a stretcher in a stricken state, from the forest that's so green, who was a full sibling, where he was residing,
This lover of donuts & such delicacies who just a short week before was enjoying his Holiday with one who is probably now "pining"?
Maybe other near kin are also shocked because two (2) connected to my summertime experience, from the same are similarly "declining" 

1 comment:

  1. Turns out, those who had me chained for being a threat to the safety of society tried to use the packed condition of the one (1) room I occupied at my former address (at the isolated IA farmhouse pictured below)as a basis for their actions at the proceedings. However, it was made known to the Presiding that the fact that all my personal belongings (accumulated for the 39+ years I have resided in this Country) were there was in keeping with my basis for transferring the property to my ex spouse as part of the Divorce Decree, namely that I retain a single room in order that the divorce action, which can be very costly, would be less burdensome on me financially, especially since she did not attend one day of these proceedings and it couldn't be said that she was unfairly treated in her chosen absence.
    Most of these belongings had been on the lower level of the residence but because of complaints from her repeatedly they were all placed in the single room I occupied in the house. Their basis did not have any merit with the Presiding & she released me shortly after the hearing.
    However, on returning to the former residence (from, which I had been chained & removed), I discovered most of my belongings removed from the single room I occupied and many thrown by the roadside as garbage. This individual on returning locked the door to ensure I could NOT reenter and soon after an "official" ostensibly from the sheriff's office arrived to imply I could not reenter even though the Presiding did not evict me from the room I occupied at the residence purchased by me as this individual had never made any financial contribution to its purchase as she held no income producing "occupation" since 1988. I never received any such formal Notice then or since of being evicted from the property voluntarily transferred to her based on what was my reasoning (previously indicated), as IA divorce law requires property to be split on divorce as no such split occurred.
    This is how I ended up residing here temporarily in Hiawatha without my accumulated belongings & with ONLY the single bag brought to the hearing with a few items in it and with one or two others plus my computer brought here to me afterwards since my Summertime Experience ended. Maybe they expected that I was going to be a long-term resident/guest at the "efficient" institution where I was confined or that some other "development(s)" was(were) taking place to prove their case. This is the ONLY obvious conclusion I can draw based on what has happened to me in this Land of the Free and Home of the Brave!

    Note: the most updated version of all comments is found on the COMMENTS (year) Page under the Notable Links grouping.
