Saturday, April 6, 2019

REPUBLISHING OF THE REASON FOR THE FAULTS - Part 2 (Additional Update Dates are Below)

For the cause of clearly pointing out why the West Coast faults that are centered in California [& have the potential to impact nine (9) other states] exists & to dispel any misconception about their origins, this effort, which started with the original undivided post has been divided into two (2) parts, with REPUBLISHING OF THE REASON FOR THE FAULTS - Part 1 focusing on the developments associated with Lucifer's offspring Clair's actions who is the lone surviving offspring & Part 2 focused on how this Servant's journey was effected by those earlier developments (4/6/2019) 

More Recent Developments:
My arrival to begin my journey in the ending of winter 1977, (on March 2nd, 1978), led to many dishonorable actions on the part of those accustomed to disrespecting others as taught by Adam Pretender as manipulated by the Mastermind who was trying to ensure that his role as Lord god would remain in tact. As a result, many unprecedented & very encompassing actions occurred that worked together to attempt to bring about this eventuality, considered their "crowning" achievements that included the following:
  • Ensuring that one of the "closest" individuals to me was compromised - June Norville.
  • The actions associated with making me inconsequential "legally" as documented in the post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW - Part 2 &
  • The overturning of the Campaign Finance Legislation that had placed limitations on giving by "entities" to give "life" to the "image" of an empire as described in the post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW - Part 2 based on my being irrelevant and linked to the fact about my heritage that enabled such, namely the ever watchful "Grandmother" as described in the Conclusion section of the post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW - Part 2. This eventually became included in the 16th Amendment to the Constitution. With this power (that was  "predicted" in the Biblical book of "The Revelation..."), multitudes of those who worshipped this "entity" & Without Origins were allowed to "hide" (or be placed) in my journey, including the Mastermind himself who was hiding behind my clearly documented journey in this Land of the Free & Home of the Brave.
That effort (the dishonorable actions activity) began immediately upon my arrival and was "championed" by one specific individual who had been in my path either directly or indirectly even in Barbados (the late Mary Firestone). What was initiated, resulted in a "battle" between good and evil and a broad-based effort to make me "legally" inconsequential (as previously indicated) to achieve their desired objective and THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER'S will was done when these West Coast spots were marked due to these developments (that would continue throughout my quest here), with another of the main West Coast faults in 1978.
    Adam Pretender (as manipulated by the Mastermind) who over the centuries made sure that all had his "mark" left no stone unturned in the effort to ensure that the above broad-based activities "succeeded", from using those whom he could call upon to carry out his "will", which included manipulating many events, for example the activities associated with my "unanswered" application to Brooklyn Polytechnic, my 1st choice for completing my undergraduate studies that was never received by me even though approved by the institution and making sure that the Engineering school at my eventual 2nd undergraduate choice, Pratt Institute (where my studies were completed as documented in my updated Experience Summary contained in the post INFORMATION TO ASSIST A DEAR YOUNG LADY WHO WAS HOPING FOR A CHANGE IN DIRECTION - UPDATED) closed down. Those whose lives were effected are partially listed in the Historical Only Conservery blog post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED who may have been in some manner effected directly or indirectly by the broad-based events previously described, of whom Lucifer is a compelling one for what she experienced (as documented in summary in The Importance of This Servant's Role section of the post REPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE & THE REVELATION) at the hands of the Mastermind, which included:
    • being expelled from the initial Dominion for taking a stand on behalf of her offspring with THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S former ARBITRATOR due to the dysfunctional family situation that existed, 
    • this action by default meant that she was being set up to appear as if she was the reason for the imposition of the Enacted Measures (EM) when they had already been imposed on the Mastermind (or the former ARBITRATOR) that served as the basis for making her a scapegoat since none in his family knew that he was the cause for them because of how he started the human population via Lucifer,
    • being forced to carry her last offspring for favorite descendant Seth for a very extended period that eventually led to her demise as indicated above &
    • Lucifer's decision in anger to place selected offspring for the population of the Earth (4/6/2019).
    THE RECTIFER'S standard through THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP of NOT becoming involved in developments in the Earth unless they had potential to impede HIS will for the intended program held through, even with regards the leveling of the faults, however, because HE withheld becoming involved unless absolutely essential, THE former ARBITRATOR & his followers carried out many actions against this Servant, & as a result, it cannot be said that the Servant Cedar Omega had any first hand assistance in the execution of the journey/quest undertaken to determine the overcomer's FACTS as indicated in the pictorial depiction in the post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW - Part 1 (4/6/2019).

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