Thursday, September 14, 2017


For the cause of the late Michael Jackson & his near kin.

The original Conservery Blog post, THE STRANGE DEATH OF AN ICON - EDITED & UPDATED is being reposted in its entirety here for the above cause! (3/31/2019)

On the eve of his “comeback” tour, the “Pop Icon” Mr. Michael Jackson died in a manner similar to how he had lived, rather oddly. This obviously very talented individual, whom some referred to as the “boy man”, was hounded throughout his life and as a result, was forced to live in a very “protected” manner. This description looks back at a few of his highlights and some of the twists in his life to find clarity.

Here are the Points of Interest:
As noted in the media reports of June 25, 2009, music legend and the person who best embodied the title, “King of Pop,” succumbed to cardiac arrest after following his reportedly typical pattern to find “rest,” under circumstances that remain questionable to this day, because the details just don’t add up to the end result. Throughout his career, Mr. Jackson made the impossible musically; appear possible with his incredible skill, whether as part of the group the Jackson Five or on his own. Some of his most significant accomplishments include:

  1. the 1982 album “Thriller”, which some think is the best selling album of all time,
  2. the record five (5) number one (1) hits from this album including “Billy Jean” and “Beat It”,
  3. the record eight (8) number of Grammy awards he won in 1985 on a single night and
  4. Jackson was fiercely protective of his children’s privacy as his way of shielding them from being “exploited” because of their famous name as he felt he had been at a tender age in the pursuit of fame. As a result, he did not include too many individuals even his family members in his “inner circle”; again to avoid reminders of his early years and to avoid family squabbles.

His manner of going about his business was best demonstrated in the manner in, which his reported will was drawn up, which favored his devoted Mother and then the former lead Singer turned solo artist of the "Supremes", in a noticeably odd twist, which wasn't really that odd because it was this same lady who protected him when he initially struck out on his own as a young singer. She assisted him at the start of his career and like the individual he was, he never forgot how she helped him. This simple gesture demonstrated the person that he was, because he felt he could likewise entrust his own children in her care if the need ever existed. He chose this path rather that involve them in the perceived family conflicts that he knew would potentially arise if any other path was chosen and there should be none in that regard if his wishes are being complied with as he directed!   
In his way, Mr. Jackson assisted many other artists as best he could as his way of giving back to the industry that had brought him so much success and sometimes great pain because of his successful accomplishments. Similarly, in his career, he collaborated with various artists most notably the most successful surviving member of the most famous of all British pop/rock groups, in a number of duets. However, his most famous involvement with this former Group member was his instinctive decision (for the music business) to fairly purchase the music catalog of the so called “Fab Four” when it became available reportedly for $47 million about, which he fairly informed the member he had come to collaborate with about his intention when seeking investment advice from the more “mature” signer/songwriter, who gave him advice (being open and honest), he just didn’t think (as he reported in his interview following the Singer’s death) that he would use his advice to purchase his former Group’s catalogs (that at the time of the Singer’s death had been reported to be valued at approximately $400 million, prohibitive is the manner it was described by the former Group Member in that interview). The former Group member noted that Mr. Jackson rebuffed him when he later attempted to purchase the catalog back realizing the financial coup d’etat Michael had pulled off. Michael Jackson saw this development in my opinion, as a purely business decision by an instinctively musically smart individual who had a keen musical ability even from a young age (as noted by those with whom he worked at Motown records).

The Outcome of this Scenario:
 Booked for a London “comeback” tour (that never took place), Mr. Jackson went about his business of preparation in his usual perfectionist style. The concerts were reportedly sold out as noted in that Daily/Weekend Business Street Publication from June 26, 2009 (A1/3). The build-up for the concerts carried out with fanfare, which also included the possibility of adding too and extending the tour with the reported sums increasing correspondingly. In a manner of speaking, the
concert build-up reminded me of the Electric Utility Industry Deregulation discussion build-up and just like that famous build-up, both events never took place (see the post “WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THOSE “SWEEPING CHANGES” SUPPOSED TO OCCUR IN THE ELECTRIC UTILITY INDUSTRY (EDITED AND UPDATED)?").

The Conclusion:
In addition, it is my hope that those now defenseless "ones" he fought so fiercely to protect don't succumb to the very exploitation techniques of those pedophile types and others (whether in three-piece suites or leather jackets (see the post
HOW YOUNG IS TOO YOUNG - (EDITED)?), who would use any means necessary to bring about their exploitative ends, regardless of whose lives are impacted along the way and by so doing imperil these young promising lives to lifestyles of nothing more than being classified as types with no "meaningful skills" only to be used as props for some with "questionable lifestyle choices" who prey on the very, very young because of their own mangled and sadistic mannerisms, and who realize "enjoyment" from taking advantage of such young adolescents whose parents and guardians think nothing of giving them up (to be exploited) in exchange for personal glory and fame (pardon me, I meant shame), while concluding that no one is aware of how the lives that have been entrusted to them (in some cases) are being bartered on over high priced dinners in "Georgian type" mansions or others whose parents are sacrificed as depicted in the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED and their offspring "kidnapped" and forced into lives of prostitution for the cause of the "fantasy empires" of heartless types who think only of how the lives of such can be used to further prop up "empires" that can't be turned over to anyone due to the lack of origins of all those used to make up such expediently contrived and brutally maintained entities as documented in the post. For ALL those parents/guardians who find themselves in such situations, but not described in this context, see the The Potential Implications of this Trend section of the post HOW YOUNG IS TOO YOUNG - EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED and supplemented by details in the post  HOW TO IDENTITY THOSE WHO CONTROL THE "FREE LOADERS: - UPDATED AS WELL AS THE FACT THAT SUCH TYPES ARE SO "PROUD" OF THEIR INCOME GENERATING METHOD, THAT IT'S BEEN "SHAMELESSLY" HIDDEN BEHIND THE IDENTITY/HERITAGE, HISTORY, ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND (OR SOLID "FOUNDATIONS" of AN UNSUSPECTING INDIVIDUAL as documented generally in the Implications and Future Possibilities/Direction section of the post WHEN ADOPTED NAMES MISLEAD - EDITED AND UPDATED as well as those in his sphere of acquaintance - who have been made to pay the ultimate price for a worthless cause and who are included in the PARTIAL listing of those so impacted, in the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE- UPDATED. ONE. God sees and knows the very methods used to imperil these young lives to meaningless (and skill less) existences for the exploitation of these very, very young adolescents and will not permit the actions of their exploiters to in anyway impede His will for His chosen (or Israel as appropriate). For additional discussion on this specific subject matter (mistreatment of the very young) follow the details in the post ONE CASUALTY OF THE RECENT FINANCIAL CRISIS - TOO BIG TO CHANGE (EDITED) and for details regarding how God is involved in the lives of "His chosen", see the post THE EVENTS IN THE LIVES OF GOD'S CHOSEN ARE ORDERED - UPDATED.
Furthermore, If what is being reported in the media is correct and his daughter won't be allowed to return to her grandmother's care, it is the hope of this Hobby Blogger that his (Mr. Jackson's) wishes will be complied as outlined in his will for the care of his offspring if she (his Mother) was or is unable to provide the needed care, and this scenario is not just a "smoke and mirrors" pretext to separate her and the rest of her siblings for the purpose of their exploitation that so many defenseless types have been subjected too by "well meaning" outsiders as indicated by the description in this and other posts in this Blog, such as the Here are Some Developments to Consider section of the post HOW YOUNG IS TOO YOUNG - EDITED AND UPDATED? 

1 comment:

  1. Delayed gratitude should be handled very, very cautiously & the same delay should be exercised in determining how to proceed (as symbolized in the included photo depicting how difficult it is to find direction when there is much competing criteria). In 9 out of 10 such cases the inappropriate and/or incorrect decision will be made, as a result, the same delay should be exercised in the decision-making as was used in making the "gratitude" available, because it may very well end up causing more harm than effecting any positive outcome!

    Note: The most updated/inclusive version of all comments is found on the COMMENTS (Year) Page, including photos & links, under the Useful Pages Links Group.
