Thursday, April 11, 2019


For the cause of my late dear "1st American" friend Lois Bruno, who was subjected to experiences far beyond anything conceivable in this Land of the Free & Home of the Brave as documented in the Conclusion section of the post REPUBLISHING OF THE REASON FOR THE FAULTS - Part 2, which should leave any reasonable individual to wonder what type of Dominion we are really living in, when such developments can take place and ALL carry on as if nothing much has occurred, underscoring the reason why the original Conservery Blog Dedication was instituted in part for her [that itself (the Blog) was stolen by those with little to no regard for the rights of others].

Based on the above developments the previously announced Preserve activity that could have been carried out & become THE ST. PETER (BARBADOS) BIRD PRESERVE, would have required the following for implementation:
  • the acquisition of a landmark property & surrounding parcels in the area of my upbringing
  • the restoration of the decaying structure to become a bird sanctuary
  • the enhancement of the existing 10-acre lot to include a scenic pond as well as nature trails
  • the establishing of an interpretive center & notable gift shop in a nearby property that will include three (3) vending machines with appropriate snacks to be independently managed by another longtime endearing friend with much capable assistance 
  • the establishing of much needed parking on surrounding properties to be acquired 
  • the possible acquisition & reopening of a "sister" facility in another Caribbean island to compliment each other - in this facility the vending machine will be independently managed by a capable individual 
  • the needed staff (approximately 9) to manage & operate the facilities long-term &
  • in order to implement these plans, a longtime dear friend could have been called upon to become Project Manager to assist with the realization of this activity from start to completion on terms to be negotiated.
With this announcement it is hoped that these activities that were mentioned previously as part of "Giving Back" will now be given the foundation to become the worthwhile & meaningful endeavor originally considered & in this very skilled individual's selection, the implementing would have been finally set in motion. Furthermore, to assist with execution of the operating of the facilities another longtime very dear friend would have been called upon to become the overall Manager ensuring that both would have been operated soundly but more than likely would have been based at a 2nd facility that would have been acquired. 
Unfortunately, a preliminary assessment of this idea/concept has revealed that it would require:
  • a minimum of $25 million to implement it &
  • as a stand-alone operation, it requires ongoing (financial) support to maintain it as a viable activity in a neighborhood that has changed vastly from what it used to be in the days of my upbringing.
This was an avenue via, which the very professionally capable selectees would have been assisted as well as a few others & to allthis Servant sincerely regrets having to make the decision NOT to proceed with it. 

REPUBLISHING OF SIMPLY LIVING THINGS (Additional Update Dates are Below)

For the cause of reconstructing the simple 334 Original Mammals that comprised those Living Things in this category instead of the approximate 360,000 that now exists, (comprising of about 150,000 varieties of dogs). Please follow below for the details.

Introduction & Background: 
This activity will include identifying the various animal mammals & birds as well in order to single out the hybrids that are not original mammals with their base original mammals & other mammals from, which they were hybridized identified after as far as possible: 
  • Dogs were all produced from mixing of the original Wolf with almost every other possible mammal.
  • Brown, Koala & Panda bears (only two (2) varieties of bears, Polar & Black are original
  • Leopard varieties are mixtures of the original tiger & original Cheetah as well as with the original tiger with the hybrid Black bear to obtain the 2 varieties
  • Rhinoceros is a mixture of the original Hippopotamus with the original Wild Hog
  • Pigs are all mixtures of the original Wild Hog with some of the hybrid Cow varieties
  • Cows are all mixtures apart from the original Bison & Hereford varieties
  • Zebra is a mixture of the original Donkey with the original Black & Polar bears
  • Hyena is a mixture of the original Cheetah with one of the varieties of the hybrid dog (possibly the Labrador)
  • Llama is a mixture of the original Giraffe with the original Sheep
  • All horse varieties are hybrids apart from the original Brown & Bay Horse (11/26/2019) 
  • The "Small" Ear Elephant "adapted" to its different environment but the Large Ear Elephant is original
  • Monkeys are all hybrid mixtures of the original Gorilla with various hybrid dogs
  • Ducks are hybrids but Swans & Geese/Goose are original
  • Turkey varieties are all hybrid mixtures while Pheasants are original (10/27/2019)
  • The Ostrich is an unusual case as it was the largest flying bird at some point in the Earth's history, which lost its ability to fly because of the intentional altering of its diet (12/16/2019) &
  • All Sharks are hybrid mixtures using the original Dolphin as the base variety from, which to produce them (12/16/2019).

The Blog will also be dedicated to simply determining the original: Non Mammals (such as insects) & Water Life Other than Fish as appropriate for compiling this Database activity, which is in part described in the Follow-on Activity section of the Nu Arrangement Blog post REPUBLISHING OF THE ORIGINAL INDIVIDUALS & LIVING THINGS - Part 2  (12/16/2019).  


For the cause of the late very talented Lea Michelle who was singled out for harsh treatment when her costar & friend Cory met his sudden demise for his portrayal of the simple but sincere character, high school student Fin by those types who know only too well how to demonstrate disrespect for the rights of others (11/19/2019).
As a result of this development (the loss of Lea as well) & what this talented performer was subjected too; the previously announced "Variety (Auction, Talent) Workshop Inclusive" is being expanded & made known conceptually from the perspective of what can possibly be initiated, in the hope that some type of meaningful activity will take place from the various aspects included here & is now being divided into two parts with this part, Part 1 focused on the Background Information, Related Details of Interest & Conclusion sections. & Part 2 focused on Additional Background DetailsGiving Back & Giving Back Conclusion sections (1/5/2020). Please follow below for the details (1/5/2020).

Background Information:
The "scheduled" revival that was HALTED due to the specific details previously made known can if carefully considered be undertaken primarily for the purpose of aiding the Dominions Project ONLY as indicated in Figure 3i & as a result, this limits where it can be carried out such as to somewhere in northern Continental NA for strategic purposes & furthermore all those included are OVERCOMER NOTABLE CONSIDEREES (12/24/2019). What was being considered involves realizing the following objectives (11/4/2019):
  • the purchase of a small to medium sized country type store & the products carried auctioned,
  • the auction activity includes being interspersed & blended with the musical productions in order to avoid any conflict of competing interests,
  • the previous activity undertaken very effectively, by Paula Abdul & continued by M.C Hammer known as the Recovery of Royalties Cash Assets (RRCA) will become instrumental as the source from, which the specific musical production numbers will be selected &
  • to compliment this the Sportspersons Compelling Case for Simplicity Asset Recovery (SCCSAR) will be also included for those who can demonstrate such by their life stories with these cases being "set" to appropriate music & becoming productions to add variety (10/26b/2019). The outcome of this activity may very well be surprising because those who most likely will be able to demonstrate such probably will turn out to be the least expected (11/19/2019).  
To achieve the above objectives, first of all the Staging Coordinator will have to be relied on to incorporate as many of the products into the various scenes that the musical productions are executed in, including clothing types to be offered in the auction, with the Overall Facilitator serving as the MC as well as auctioneer while taking the time to point out the appropriate information to the audience. In short, the various production numbers would the backdrop to highlight the various auction products for effective blending purposes, using the RRCA database (10/24/2019). This activity (the pursuit of the royalties) can be carried out in conjunction with the Workshop activity & from this perspective the Creative/Artistic Director will be able to more effectively develop the themes, which the music will be centered around because of the available extensive Artists Listing from, which the music to be presented will be from this artists listing source & for all the materials (music) used (10/24/2019).
Royalty assets activity will be pursued until recovery is secured with the objective of 97% being returned to those artists who really owned the music & the remaining 3% divided as follows (11/4/2019):
  • 30% will be given to Cher who will become the Sound/Video Recording & Musical Coordinator (12/5/2019)
  • 9% will be given to business trained Meghan Morrow who will become the Research Analyst (12/12/2019)
  • 9% will be given to Paula Abdul who will become Assistant Research Analyst (12/12/2019)
  • 20% will be given to Tony Orlando who will become the Assistant Musical Sound & Video Recording Coordinator (11/1/2019)
  • 14% will divided among the remaining Variety Performers who keep the clothing worn by them as part of the staging during their productions in support of the auctions & in addition for Inventory handling activities & (11/19/2019)
  • 18% will be retained by the Ownership Structure (12/5/2019).
Related Details of Interest:
The best sellers (products) will be the main products offered/sold continuously via this avenue & any unneeded properties owned sold/auctioned off as the "brick & mortar" properties would no longer be needed (10/20/2019). 
The live on-location "Auction Workshop Inclusive" will be carried out in an appropriate location where the rustic charm that will be ideally beneficial to the weekly events that will be held (11/19/2019).
The SCCSAR activity will be based on the selecting of those who submit in writing a compelling case for simplicity based on their life stories (for example, an individual who in spite of the "rewards" that come with such achievements stayed very close to his or her roots, meaning chose to maintain actual connections to the community of their upbringing via a base residence &/or meaningful investment, such would be an example of a very compelling case for simplicity on the part of this individual &) the  best cases will be used & the support of the Structure lent to assist those selected obtain the real value of the assets due them & their stories used to become production numbers (somewhat as carried out in opera activity - 11/6/2019). Those whose stories are used in this manner will be given 14% of the Structure's 21% typically retained from the overall auction income derived & will be divided if combinations are used to achieve the desired objective (11/19/2019). To aid with this effort an SCCSAR Manager & Assistant will become the focal point to whom the material submitted will be evaluated for the selecting of the best cases (11/10/2019). The recovered assets will be allocated with the objective of the sportsperson receiving 89% of their contractual amount & the Structure retaining 11% to be divided as follows (11/4/2019): 
  • SCCSAR Manager Maria Sharapova will receive 30% (11/29/2019)
  • SCCSAR Assistant Manager Lindsey Vonn  will receive 25% (12/4/2019) &
  • the Structure will retain 45% (11/29/2019).
Based on this approach, this Manager will be the primary person dealing with this activity along with the Assistant, (11/6/2019). This Servant & the SCCSAR Manager & Assistant will be helping with regards the recovery activity to achieve the desired objectives (12/16/2019). The following will constitute the supporting line-up:
  • Production Manager, Occasional Featured Performer Creative/Artistic Director - Cher (11/29/2019)
  • Featured Performer - Tony Orlando
  • Variety Performers - The remaining surviving Cast of Glee
  • Overall Activity Facilitator (Auctioneer), Staging/Wardrobe Manager & Creative/Artistic Assistant - the former Hawaii Governor Cayetano's youngest daughter (12/4/2019)
  • Choreographer - Paula Abdul 
  • Inventory Manager (about, which some details are in The Related Details of Interest section) -  my son Dejon (1/2/2020)
  • Legal Analyst - Teresa Heinz (who along with the assistant carries out routine & ad hoc audits to ensure that the project is meeting its big picture financial objectives - 12/27/2019)
  • Assistant Analyst -  Zindizi  Mandela (12/27/2019)
  • Overall Financial Affairs/Structure's Financial Manager - the former Ann Romney (who ensures that the overall financial objectives are met in addition to ensuring that the various interests are allocated as indicated with regards the RRCA, SCCSAR, the Partnership's 21% Interest, the Vending & the Charter/Tour Guide activity in addition to ensuring that all Regulatory type requirements to carry out all activity are complied with including Federal/State/Local tax determination - 12/5/2019) &
  • Choreographic & Management Consultant - Meghan Morrow (12/12/2019)
  • Management Consultant - my son Dejon (who will undertake various INVS Projects as needed to enable this Servant to more effective in carrying out the overall INVS Coordinating functions & will share this duty as appropriate with Management Consultant Suzanne Sommers - 1/2/2020).   
All those involved as indicated above apart from this Servant will be receiving Cost of Living Allowances (COLAs) based on a percentage of the "Variety Auction Workshop" proceeds, which does not include housing that will be provided (11/10/2019). A legal framework will be considered as the umbrella under, which this activity will be carried out that will include Cher & Ann along with this Servant who will each receive another 0.5% & 1.5% respectively of the Auction proceeds as part of their (COLAs) share of the Partnership's 21% Ownership interests (11/29/2019). The objective here is for all others to collectively share 79% of the proceeds as part of their COLAs (11/4/2019).
In addition, to ensure that the various aspects of the project run smoothly since there will be many pieces to monitor simultaneously to achieve the desired objective, this Servant will become the overall Irreplaceable Nature & Value of Simplicity (INVS) Project Coordinator to realize the standards required as a personal objective for activities, which this Servant supports & will utilize the input of a mgmt. consultant as required (12/20/2019). THOAP HIMSELF will become the Assistant INVS Project Coordinator (12/20/2019). Furthermore, the Overall Financial Affairs Manager & the SCCSAR Manager will rotate between these roles for gaining broader working knowledge of a different aspect of the project for greater effectiveness & based on the outcome of this, those in other positions with some similarity may also be rotated for the same purpose (11/8/2019). 
To add broader appeal to the Project's talent process, the most effective of the weekly presentations that will be sound & video recorded live for determining with the Structure's input, which will in turn be also released as sound "live concerts", available on CD to those unable to attend due to the location (10/30a&b/2019). Furthermore, to gauge the authenticity of the effectiveness, every twenty-first (21st) presentation will be a repeat of the most effective of the "live concerts", to get the reaction of a different audience before making them available on CDs for a more broader audience (10/26/2019). The proceeds gained from these releases once ROYALTIES ARE DEDUCTED (IMPLYING THE OBJECTIVE IS THAT 50% OF ALL CD SALES PROCEEDS) & MADE AVAILABLE TO THOSE ARTISTS/ETC. WHO REALLY OWN THE MUSIC, will also be added to & counted in the overall total that is distributed as part of the 79%/21% arrangement to be provided as discussed above.
In addition, routine periodic as well as ad hoc audits will be carried out by the Legal Analyst & Assist to ensure that the Project is meeting all its indicated objectives (11/10/2019).
Additional activity, which could be undertaken include the placement of twenty five (25) vending machines in the facilities to be filled with appropriate snacks to be independently operated by the very capable & effective Suzanne Sommers (who will be the 85% Owner/Manager), my son Dejon will be a 5% Owner & the Structure will retain a 10% ownership in this activity (1/2/2020). This will be the avenue via, which the machines will be kept filled to the benefit of all who will come to rely on these as a source of wholesome snacks & in this activity (10/24/2019). In addition, an independent Charter Travel/Tour Guide activity will be established to bring audiences from various point to these weekly activities, that will benefit the local accommodation entities in the area to be appropriately selected with the objective being ownership/management of this activity will be undertaken by the  individual who lived the dream of the father this Notable tried to fervently aspire to Megan M (who will a 45% owner), the Notable  Faith Wilson - will become a 50% Owner/Manager) & the Structure will maintain a 5% ownership in this activity (12/4/2019).


Sunday, April 7, 2019


This "mysterious" disappearance of these reportedly somewhat less than "stellar" types,
is filled with many "sightings" but this is all perhaps mere hype,
from one to as many as eight definitive Sites,
but this too is all conjecture, possibly leaked by those who may have been responsible for their last "Rites".
Who perhaps knew that back then that for an occasion in his life, that the "notorious" Jimmy H was about to "sing",
and may have decided that the "fallout" would ruin an "empire" whose "image" is quite a sizable/"notable" thing.
This same individual may have been connected to a remote & far-off now cut-up Farm property,
where he may have resided under an "alias" that was not as a result of winning the lottery.
"Poor" Jimmy H & the 4 maybe were "taken-down" to ensure that the details he became privy to did not unravel this empire erected possibly by one
who's connected to the number six, six, six,
& enabled by one perhaps who held four in succession (almost) that did not include any modern-day flicks.
The burial ground for the 5 was possibly "protected" by 2 very tall monuments that stood for many years that were definitely consistent,
and this Site may have been the location of an "Act" that now isn't too far-off & distant.
Who really knows if the 5 are still there, or perhaps it's all a sizable bluff,
at a Site that now contains a new  "Monument" in, which new things are assembled on 5 remains that were perhaps reduce to little more than mangled pieces of stuff,
or maybe all the construction activity ensured that the
who "mysteriously surfaced" were more than enough!   

Saturday, April 6, 2019


For the cause of the freedom to choose an uplifting hobby without being chained as a threat to society to carry it out!

All events that take place regarding ONE's Program,
has a purpose that just isn't an also ran,
and even though my Recent (CHAINED) Experience was concocted for evil against me,
while at that Institution in question I gained an acquaintance who
"quietly" had to decide whether or not to make a plea.
On the Day of my Hearing/Departure 6/20/2017, the pencil drawing of
the Main Activity Room was "intentionally" given to Victoria Huff,
whose very engaging personality was more than enough.
It is my hope that at this time Victoria is doing well,
in order that "developments" going forward will not lead to her becoming a "gruff".
The sketch was intended to convey how endearing an individual Victoria has the
potential to become,
and I also hope that that this will be a goal for this unforgettable "Lady"
whose favorite flower may not have resembled a scarlet "chrysantamum"!

For Victoria 

REPUBLISHING OF A SUMMERTIME "DEVELOPMENT" - (Additional Update Dates are Below)

For the cause of the reconstruction of my journey in this "Land of The Free & Home of The Brave".

Who would believe that a rock collecting hobby so fulfilling,
could ever result in being chained as being a threat to society that would be so redefining,
by the manipulation of one bent on keeping the Memorial Siting carried out in distant place confining.
The Institution where the confining took place was Colorful on One West,
Enacted  to bring about the needed "decline" that could be obtained there best,
and ensured because none besides park & a few associates really knew what being consumed in the diet served to this "guest".
The day of the "hearing" brought me face-to-face with the Presiding who was dignified & without laughter,
who was consumed by a tragic development a short seven (7) months after (See Comment below).
The "efficient" Institution then proceeded to bill me repeatedly at a fictitious address to "cover" the events that had become a "blaster', 
because payment had been made by the Court that ordered the confinement, which didn't include any plaster.
Near tragic developments didn't end with the Presiding,
because in the cover of darkness in one PM, a younger sibling was wheeled out on a stretcher in a stricken state, from the forest that's so green, who was a full sibling, where he was residing,
This lover of donuts & such delicacies who just a short week before was enjoying his Holiday with one who is probably now "pining"?
Maybe other near kin are also shocked because two (2) connected to my summertime experience, from the same are similarly "declining" 

REPUBLISHING OF THE REASON FOR THE FAULTS - Part 2 (Additional Update Dates are Below)

For the cause of clearly pointing out why the West Coast faults that are centered in California [& have the potential to impact nine (9) other states] exists & to dispel any misconception about their origins, this effort, which started with the original undivided post has been divided into two (2) parts, with REPUBLISHING OF THE REASON FOR THE FAULTS - Part 1 focusing on the developments associated with Lucifer's offspring Clair's actions who is the lone surviving offspring & Part 2 focused on how this Servant's journey was effected by those earlier developments (4/6/2019) 

More Recent Developments:
My arrival to begin my journey in the ending of winter 1977, (on March 2nd, 1978), led to many dishonorable actions on the part of those accustomed to disrespecting others as taught by Adam Pretender as manipulated by the Mastermind who was trying to ensure that his role as Lord god would remain in tact. As a result, many unprecedented & very encompassing actions occurred that worked together to attempt to bring about this eventuality, considered their "crowning" achievements that included the following:
  • Ensuring that one of the "closest" individuals to me was compromised - June Norville.
  • The actions associated with making me inconsequential "legally" as documented in the post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW - Part 2 &
  • The overturning of the Campaign Finance Legislation that had placed limitations on giving by "entities" to give "life" to the "image" of an empire as described in the post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW - Part 2 based on my being irrelevant and linked to the fact about my heritage that enabled such, namely the ever watchful "Grandmother" as described in the Conclusion section of the post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW - Part 2. This eventually became included in the 16th Amendment to the Constitution. With this power (that was  "predicted" in the Biblical book of "The Revelation..."), multitudes of those who worshipped this "entity" & Without Origins were allowed to "hide" (or be placed) in my journey, including the Mastermind himself who was hiding behind my clearly documented journey in this Land of the Free & Home of the Brave.
That effort (the dishonorable actions activity) began immediately upon my arrival and was "championed" by one specific individual who had been in my path either directly or indirectly even in Barbados (the late Mary Firestone). What was initiated, resulted in a "battle" between good and evil and a broad-based effort to make me "legally" inconsequential (as previously indicated) to achieve their desired objective and THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER'S will was done when these West Coast spots were marked due to these developments (that would continue throughout my quest here), with another of the main West Coast faults in 1978.
    Adam Pretender (as manipulated by the Mastermind) who over the centuries made sure that all had his "mark" left no stone unturned in the effort to ensure that the above broad-based activities "succeeded", from using those whom he could call upon to carry out his "will", which included manipulating many events, for example the activities associated with my "unanswered" application to Brooklyn Polytechnic, my 1st choice for completing my undergraduate studies that was never received by me even though approved by the institution and making sure that the Engineering school at my eventual 2nd undergraduate choice, Pratt Institute (where my studies were completed as documented in my updated Experience Summary contained in the post INFORMATION TO ASSIST A DEAR YOUNG LADY WHO WAS HOPING FOR A CHANGE IN DIRECTION - UPDATED) closed down. Those whose lives were effected are partially listed in the Historical Only Conservery blog post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED who may have been in some manner effected directly or indirectly by the broad-based events previously described, of whom Lucifer is a compelling one for what she experienced (as documented in summary in The Importance of This Servant's Role section of the post REPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE & THE REVELATION) at the hands of the Mastermind, which included:
    • being expelled from the initial Dominion for taking a stand on behalf of her offspring with THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S former ARBITRATOR due to the dysfunctional family situation that existed, 
    • this action by default meant that she was being set up to appear as if she was the reason for the imposition of the Enacted Measures (EM) when they had already been imposed on the Mastermind (or the former ARBITRATOR) that served as the basis for making her a scapegoat since none in his family knew that he was the cause for them because of how he started the human population via Lucifer,
    • being forced to carry her last offspring for favorite descendant Seth for a very extended period that eventually led to her demise as indicated above &
    • Lucifer's decision in anger to place selected offspring for the population of the Earth (4/6/2019).
    THE RECTIFER'S standard through THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP of NOT becoming involved in developments in the Earth unless they had potential to impede HIS will for the intended program held through, even with regards the leveling of the faults, however, because HE withheld becoming involved unless absolutely essential, THE former ARBITRATOR & his followers carried out many actions against this Servant, & as a result, it cannot be said that the Servant Cedar Omega had any first hand assistance in the execution of the journey/quest undertaken to determine the overcomer's FACTS as indicated in the pictorial depiction in the post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW - Part 1 (4/6/2019).

    Thursday, April 4, 2019

    REPUBLISHING OF THE REASON FOR THE FAULTS - Part 1 (Additional Update Dates are Below)

    For the cause of clearly pointing out why the West Coast faults that are centered in California [& have the potential to impact nine (9) other states] exists & to dispel any misconception about their origins, this effort, that began with the original post has now been divided into two (2) parts, with this 1st Part focusing on the developments associated with Lucifer's offspring Clair's actions who is the lone surviving offspring & Part 2 focusing on how this Servant's journey was effected by those earlier developments (4/6/2019)


    The events associated with Seth & sibling Clair are so important as indicated below
    that addition information is needed to clarify these developments. Please follow below for the applicable details (4/5/2019).

    Background Details
    s implied in the above referenced post, Seth & sibling Clair's younger offspring/descendants were for the most part eventually relocated to the Americas (the name this land is now known as) that was then connected by a "bank", which permitted travel by foot. To be specific, she ended up in the location that would become their younger offspring's main dwelling place since she was impacted by the loss of Seth in a tragic "accident" (due to the same type of dysfunctional family issues that marked their family with the Mastermind) as their older offspring had been reared in the area that has become known as the Middle East (4/5/2019

    o Digress:

    Clair had been initially placed with very few females & all the males (except Seth) for "operation population" activities & Clair being the "tough" strong-willed type like Lucifer defied those siblings with whom she was placed & became the STANDOUT FEMALE among the "placees" who refused to allow Adam Pretender & his "crew" to assault her (4/6/2019). She returned to their base & the resulting family feud resulted in the demise of Lucifer & the other females were forced to join Adam Pretender's crew in this activity that only a very few had been singled out for (4/6/2019). As a result, favorite Seth who had avoided being included with the crew left with her & ended up in the location indicated above in, which the climatic conditions would be conducive to residing without clothing (4/6/2019).

    o Resume: 

    She (Clair) eventually ended up primarily in the southern California area as these areas were all connected at that time & her travels led her to the regions in the extreme south eastern area of the continent stretching between Florida & Central America after Clair had moved on leaving her now growing offspring on their own (4/5/2019). Those who became the original native Americans were Seth's (who was Cedar & Chestnut Clair's - 4/5/2019). Therefore it must be emphasized that the Mastermind kept punishing Clair's & Seth's descendants as the events in the post REPOSTING OF AN (UPDATED) EXCERPT FROM THE POST AT WHAT PRICE LOYALTY! - Part 2 underscore, that his reason was because of the same dysfunctional issues previously mentioned (4/6/2019).
    These offspring/descendants successfully adapting to & their expanding in this environment would eventuality come at a high price as indicated in the post  REPOSTING OF AN (UPDATED) EXCERPT FROM THE POST AT WHAT PRICE LOYALTY! - Part 2, meaning this area possessing vast resources would be desired by others to ensure that in time it would become a very powerful nation (due to the manipulation of the Mastermind), which would hold much significance for many end-time events involving THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP RECTIFER'S Servant, who would have an important role by default (as indicated in the Multiple Adversaries section of the post NOAH AND THE NEW WORLD CONNECTION ), because of how the events would unfold. The area where Seth's & Clair's younger descendants were primarily based was marked by a series of faults (on the West Coast from, which many earthquakes originate), since this "line" (Seth's descendants) is the path through, which Cedar Omega would emerge in part, as described in the Introduction & Background Details of Importance sections of the post THE INTRODUCTION OF CEDAR OMEGA-UPDATED (4/6/2019). It was the Mastermind who placed these faults because of the same dysfunctional family issues & then in 1978 to alert Adam Pretender & his other followers that my presence here would be very significant with respect to "business as usual" & that this then student should be "targeted" since I was the individual whom his prophecy in "The Revelation..." was centered around (4/6/2019).   

    nother Important Detail of Note:
    All of Seth's 33 offspring with Clair were not based in the Americas as the developments in the post REPUBLIISHING OF HOW THE JOURNEYS OF CEDAR OMEGA WERE EFFECTED BY THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER indicate with regards the impact they would hold for this Servant Cedar Omega (since the older offspring they had were left in the Middle East & the young set of 12 relocated with her as previously indicated); nevertheless the faults were placed in this land mass because of how the journey of this Servant progressed in the manner it was brought about in what is now known as the USA.

    This post will conclude in the REPUBLISHING OF THE REASON FOR THE FAULTS - Part 2 beginning with the More Recent Developments section (4/6/2019)


    For the cause of simply pointing out why most of what takes place in this existing Dominion as "accepted practices" requires discarding, this post is intended to highlight one very important example of why this is the case. Please follow below:


    Take the fact that Left has been given preference over Right "deliberately" by the Mastermind to attempt to "condition" ALL to accept evil instead of (what's) RIGHT. This conditioning is so complete that it's practically impossible to read anything written from right to left (even if it can be found), because of acceptance of this conditioning that makes anything in any other format appear incoherent.

    Details of Importance:

    To alter this "mindset", a sustained considerable effort (or reeducation) would be required to alter this accepted process, which makes this habit "right" even though its Left, meaning this conditioning is intended to make what's Left (or wrong) okay. This may on the surface appear to be a simple matter of choosing the left to be the "starting point" but it has far reaching implications when examined from a broader perspective.
    Since Left is the "accepted" starting point in this existing Dominion, and NOT (what's) Right, by default the opposite of what's Right (or wrong) is being taught as the place to start if you are to be "successful". On the other hand, if the Right was (is) the accepted starting point, what would be conveyed is that the Left (or what's wrong/evil) is NOT the path of choice to succeed.


    This "simple" example is intended to demonstrate how encompassing evil has been indoctrinated into this existing society as "accepted" practice that is contained in many other ways/activities introduced and "conditioned" to "follow" blindly even though inherently ALL are aware of what's RIGHT and what's Wrong.   


    For the cause of EFFECTIVE ASSET MANAGEMENT either from highly-skilled-type-individuals or individuals who are capable of acquiring such skills in order to ensure that various assets are adequately maintained & managed, with responsibilities that include:
    • Being cognizant of any unique aspects associated with the location of  the various assets,
    • ◷◶ 
    • Being aware of any applicable process requirements associated with each asset, and making sure that appropriate attention is applied,
    • ◷◶
    • Becoming knowledgeable about the state of the various assets through ad hoc checks through appropriate coordination,
    • ◷◶
    • Making recommendations about improvements, which would be practical & useful and when appropriate using informal cost benefit analysis to justify the suggestions,
    • ◷◶
    • A willingness to become the project manager/assistant to ensure that the various recommendations adopted are carried through to completion while achieving the desired outcomes as appropriate,
    • ◷◶
    • Since these combined projects will need a very tested, dedicated and skilled individual, a person with the strong potential to develop the requisite overall asset-management coordination skills who will be able to execute these responsibilities soundly with regards to residential type properties will be an asset and
    • ◷◶
    • Maintaining appropriate records (for ex, photographs, etc.) about each project.
    These skills will become beneficial for a residential manager who will be provided  with appropriate housing, travel and cost-of-living-assistance (COLA) to support the endeavor.


    The cause of promoting worthwhile but forgotten practices is so important that these activities are being published as a post about how to organize & maintain a private Permanent Exhibition of Old Fashioned Living/Lifestyle Customs that is now being combined with the Old Fashioned Cotton Machines Permanent Exhibition with responsibilities that include:
    • Retrieving & preserving artifacts for display,
    • Appropriate travel to locations to acquire material/pieces,
    • Ensuring the works are displayed to protect them from deteoriation,
    • Organizing the displays into interesting & compelling arrangements,
    • Ensuring that conflict with the overall intent of the dual Exhibition focus doesn't occur,
    • Strong familiarity with early American & other International historical culture/customs will become very beneficial and is essential,
    • Ensuring that the Exhibition conditions are maintained to encourage rekindling interest in simple but useful "lost" customs and
    • Maintaining the Exhibition activities to prevent general distractions from their main purpose.
    The benefits of such a worthwhile activity include rekindling knowledge about lost practices that have become practically extinct with the focus on modern conveniences, which tend to promote the type of living/lifestyles centered around the disrespectful customs that the economy of these existing societies is built around.
    It must be noted that even though this post focuses on Old Fashioned Lifestyle/Living Customs & Old Fashioned Cotton Machines the generic responsibilities involved with maintaining a museum/permanent exhibition level collection associated with any subject matter, for example wholesome photographic/art collection, is also applicable (4/4/2019).

    Tuesday, April 2, 2019


    For the cause of all those who sincerely longed for intervention from whom they concluded would be a benevolent CREATOR who suffered under the brutality of the last of the four (4) World Empires (Rome) & found hope in the new movement, which was spreading fast through the "Churches" model that was springing up for relief from their suffering that what was being "preached' was correct and true.


    The main purpose of the Biblical Book of The Revelation..." was 1) to expose that the return of Christ was not going to take place immediately after his death to John, as the believers in the "churches" that were springing up were expecting for inclusion in the initial chapters of this Book as well as to serve as a point of reference for this Servant as had been effected by THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER as pointed out in the Background Information section of the post New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW Part 1 (with regards to my journey/quest) & 2) to "depict" the most significant events in the Earth's history through graphic imagery that would all together come to either directly or indirectly, impact the journey of this Servant in one way or another (4/3b/2019). These events are associated with the Action Angels throughout the various chapters and are discussed in more details in the post THE 18 EVENTS THAT SHAPED THE EARTH'S HISTORY - (REPUBLISHED (4/3/2019). What this in effect really means is that Adam Pretender had nothing to do with the two (2) futuristic books & these two (2) Witnesses were NOT part of the original 64 Biblical books but were the only two (2) effected by THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S ARBITRATOR who in addition to THE RECTIFER  is aware of the future from a "big picture" perspective (4/4/2019).

    Details of Importance

    Christ was the son of Joseph and a very high Roman official's wife (in whose household he worked), who studied Hebrew writings associated with his father's heritage and correctly concluded that they were fraudulent at best & was a Servant who received his "commission" from the Baptist who was also a Servant & it was his action that set the stage for Christ to compromise his "walk", ensuring that the Mastermind would simply manipulate the developments surrounding him to achieve his objective, namely control of those suffering under the "weight" of the Roman Empire (4/4/2019). This act made the Baptist the real betrayer of Christ, because it set the stage for the events that followed (4/4/2019).
    "The Revelation..." does show that THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER'S Servant's journey would be "framed" by the activities surrounding the "Action Angels" throughout this text, which introduce (or are associated with) events described in the Book [including the Angels associated with the seven (7) Churches - 4/3b/2019]. The Role of this Servant is to clarify the many misconceptions about God and other critical events in the Earth's history that commence after the messages to the Churches. The secondary purpose of this Biblical text as it was used by THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S ARBITRATOR was to show that he was really the Mastermind (or the Serpent) who would attempt to use my journey through Adam Pretender to cement himself in the role he had carved out as Lord god having realized that this Servant's role meant that his reign ("returning") in various personalities was ended & this was his final act (or "curtain") as pointed out in the song he initiated "My Way" (4/3/2019). It must be borne in mind that THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER permitted Adam Pretender to "return" in various personalities over the Earth's history but the "return" of Seth's would come later as only the  RECTIFER can effect such (4/4/2019).

    Importance of this Servants Role:

    LUCIFER THE MORNINGSTAR POWERis the original female "created" by THE CREATOR & had been placed in the Earth with direction NOT to produce human life & ignored her mandate that set the stage for "operation population" after being unable to give birth to the infant she was carrying that resulted in her "make a statement" decision to rapidly populate the Earth in the very disrespectful manner she effected it as in part discussed in the New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW Part 1 because of what she had the potential to enact* (see Footnote - 4/3/2019). These developments in all fairness must be viewed from the perspective of the discussion in "The 115 Enacted Measures..." paragraph of the Ensuing Developments section of the post REPUBLISHING OF THE NEW ARRANGEMENT INCLUSIVE - Part 3which showed that Lucifer was manipulated into this action by the Mastermind (4/3/2019). It was the RECTIFER that redirected the journeys of this Servant to ultimately serve as the avenue through, which the objectives in The Outcome of These Developments of the New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW - Part 2 would be enabled for What's New (4/3b/2019). However, it could NOT be said that this Servant without any complex capabilities had any built in advantage by any means even though those dedicated to evil went to great lengths to disrupt my journey in their domain with their overwhelming advantage. These forces could not prevent this Servant from carrying out the intended journey/quest even though this servant had no complex capabilities to enable the role to be carried out as was available to those who chose to adopt evil as the means to an end.
    This Servant was NOT made aware of various critical details about the significance of my journey until it was in its very "latter" stages, in the manner in, which THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER chooses to effect such intentions in this very critically important mission implemented & undertaken out of love for all creation (4/4/2019). This means that even though this Servant's steps were as described in the post  CLARITY DESCRIBED & ON DISPLAY - Part 2 (REPUBLISHED, Cedar Omega had to be subjected to the same conditions ALL were exposed to & NOT compromise his inherent principles (of right & wrong) that ALL know to be the case.


    This Servant's journeys were needed to demonstrate that what was carefully "woven" by those who followed the evil example ushered in by Adam Pretender (as manipulated by the Mastermind) & resulted in Adam Pretender final personalities (in the roles being carried out) & their followers leading ALL into evil except 1, this Servant in this role in order to demonstrate an uplifting example specifically for the vindication of females that will enable five (5) females in addition to a "grandfathered" female to be included in What's New as described in the New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW - Part 2 (4/4/2019). This journey sets the framework for ushering in What's New generally in the correct environment as appropriate in contrast to the activities carried out by Adam Pretender's & the Mastermind as exampled by the flawed "Surprise Quiz" in addition to his "Lord god" assumed role as well as others that THE 18 EVENTS THAT SHAPED THE EARTH'S HISTORY - (REPUBLISHED post bear witness to (4/3a&b/2019).
    It must be stated that even though Christ was a Servant who "failed" to implement his mandate, it was none-the-less vital and an excellent example to demonstrate that ALL do THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S  RECTIFER'S will where the intended program is involved as even Adam Pretender's flawed Bible (for the most part) was used by this Servant in order to gain needed details for this journey successfully (4/3b/2019). Case in point, it was Christ who was noted for his parables & one of the most important was "to whom much is given, much is expected" & this serves as an important reminder about the execution of responsibilities appropriately as opposed to inappropriately even though he (Christ) was a "flawed" Servant & did one thing before the "cameras" & had a completely different "walk" off "camera"; this was no surprise to THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER (4/3b/2019). This also serves to differentiate between the Mastermind's approach with the resources at his availability as oppose to THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER (even though possessing even more capabilities) chose different reminders that represent what they are noted for, namely the pursuit of large population's built upon the disrespectful treatment he subjected the helpless females to in order to effect his "operation population" mission that ushered in societies ALL dedicated to evil versus the initiation of this Servant's journey/quest to vindicate & show respectful treatment for females who are still after all these ages being subjected to disrespectful lifestyle conditions in order to "survive" in the societies he (the Mastermind) established (4/4/2019).  As a result, THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER is the basis from, which the needed restart will take place, approximating the conditions that originally were intended in the correct environment (with some modifications) and implement what was intended to take place with this Servant carrying out the role as the SERVANT CARETAKER as further discussed in THE OVERCOMER NOTABLES post under the discussion for the Servant Cedar Omega (4/3b/2019).

    * Footnote:
    The referenced actions involved Lucifer's inability to deliver her unborn child as effected by THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP’S ARBITRATOR as described in the New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW - Part 2 to punish her for the taking a stand on behalf of her family because of the dysfunctional conditions, which existed (4/3a&b/209). In this arrangement THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP’S ARBITRATOR eventually destroyed Lucifer (4/4/2019).