Wednesday, August 30, 2017


This unnamed girl who I met in my 1st semester at Pratt,
and a friendship resulted with this young lady with whom I sat,
This Illinois girl made that mandatory English class a delight,
because she became a very good friend with her warm personality so bright,
She probably rose to achieve and that would be so right,
as a result, of careful consideration may have ensured her attention to this height,
and the steps she would have taken must to her be a sign of deliberate attention,
to avoid any eventuality that this dear "Freshman" avoided in the midst of competition (3/31/2019).
This tender "Flower" with whom that friendship of thirty & seven ago developed,
I'm taking the time to remember because of her special qualities this "Liberal Arts Major" had that to me needed no dictation.
My "Freshman" dear friend of my Junior year is one of those who couldn't
be negatively classified,
into anything other than being the warm girl whom I knew as a friend
& from whom there was probably also no unpleasant side,
In closing, let me point out how much your friendship meant to this "Junior" you knew from a distant shore (3/31/2019),
who's hoping that those appealing qualities still endure,
& that they'll be lasting with the girl whose friendship meant so much more!

1 comment:

  1. The mop/clean-up mode I was in entering Pratt as a "Junior" made it extremely difficult & really impossible for me to make contact with outside that Class with the packed schedule I had planned as an off campus student who took part in no on-campus activities outside my regular classes & objective set, which was to complete not to permit anything to prevent me from completing my undergraduate studies in 3 years & that was accomplished.
    As a result, I very much looked forward to the single class my "Freshman" friend & I shared.

    Note: The most updated version of all comments can be found on the COMMENTS (year) Page.
