Wednesday, August 2, 2017


For the cause of Lois G.  Bruno, my dear "1st" American tribal outspoken friend
& also your circle outside the Tribe (including my godson Michael, adopted siblings Frances & family as well as Muna & family & of course the StHill family) but in spite of whatever may have taken place, I will remember the OUTSTANDING RED CARPET WELCOME given to welcome me to this Land of your "1st" American heritage in 1978 (3/31/2019)!


  1. Over the years I have often wondered if on the last occasion I saw Lois in the winter of 1991 (Jan/Feb) and had I acknowledged getting a glimpse of her from a distance would it have made difference in how events turned out. But I was respecting her wishes as I interpreted her returning of the cake as a statement and I respected it, being an individual who is very respectful of the wishes of others. The chance encounter, on two occasions 1n 1991 are the last occasions on, which I saw her and I will never know if those NON APPOINTMENTS would have made a difference.
    Note: The most updated form of comments is found on the COMMENTS Page.

  2. This all too familiar pattern seemingly continues unabated..., now in the form of close childhood neighbor/relative, dear Joni King, who when it mattered most stood for the cause discovering Lois' final whereabouts by the "light" (as indicated in the photo) of her supportive action. It was she whom I was hoping to interest in the OVERALL ASSET MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR'S opportun9ty. In the light of her passing another very meaningful individual will be sought possessing similar qualities (or one possessing the ability to attain such) and to whom this position will be offered from that location in order that this first project that will be carried out can go forward in spite of this "development" and be brought to a successful completion!

    Note: The most updated form of all comments (including enhancements) can be found on the COMMENTS (year)Page link under the Useful Pages Group.
