DECEMBER 23, 2017

James F Brazant  December 23, 2017 at 11:02 AM
1st Published September 4, 2017 at 3:27 PM

The path...that...looms...LARGELY ahead may not always be an indication of what's the correct direction to follow. On occasion, gradual change (or the slow down in direction) implemented will enable the best perspective of the available options ahead.

DECEMBER 16, 2017
James F Brazant December 16, 2017 at 4:08 PM
The path...that...looms...LARGELY ahead may not always bean indication of what's the correct direction to follow. On occasion, gradual change (or a slow down in direction) is needed to obtain the best perspective of the available options to chart (or set course too). On INFORMATION TO ASSIST A DEAR YOUNG LADY HOPING FOR A CHANGE IN DIRECTION-UPDATED


James F Brazant December 16, 2017 at 10:57 AM
For the cause of one with a deep connection to another who lived his dream involving "Chariots" that eventually cost him his life under "intense" conditions, approximately twenty (20) years ago, to let it be known that the Hope of her cause (see below photo depiction) is not in vain!

DECEMBER 12, 2017
James F Brazant  December 12, 2017 at 6:20 PM

Those who don't like "freedom" will continue to carry out "business as usual" even where an Openly "KEPT SECRET" (as depicted in this photo from the linked article)
is involved, in an effort to implement their agenda in spite of the wishes of those seeking simple solutions to their ideas, instead of the complex direction that typically represent their activities, which as occurred here end disastrously for those being subjected to disrespectful conditions! On INFORMATION TO ASSIST A DEAR YOUNG LADY HOPING FOR A CHANGE IN DIRECTION-UPDATED

DECEMBER 9, 2017
James F Brazant December 9, 2017 at 8:02 PM

This all too familiar pattern seemingly continues unabated..., now in the form of close childhood neighbor/relative, dear Joni King, who when it mattered most stood for the cause discovering Lois' final whereabouts by the "light" (as indicated in the photo)
of her supportive action. It was she whom I was hoping to interest in the OVERALL ASSET MANAGEMENT COORDINATION OPPORTUNITY. In the light of her passing another very meaningful individual will be sought possessing similar qualities (or one possessing the ability to attain such) and to whom this position will be offered from that location in order that this first project that will be carried out can go forward in spite of this "development" and be brought to a successful completion! On A FITTING RESTING PLACE FOR A RED CARPET FRIEND - UPDATED 8/3/2017

DECEMBER 1, 2017
James F Brazant December 1, 2017 at 3:06 PM

A definite indication of how "complicated" individuals lives are becomes more evident when the results of their actions comes full circle to "haunt" such types, who initially, readily agree to implement and/or carry out any dishonorable action for a "price" without knowing anything about whom they may be agreeing to attempt to "humiliate" by effecting "business" as usual. However, on occasion some may effect turnarounds on realizing what they about to undertake against another isn't a solution to problems of their own creation. On RARE SIGHTINGS!

James F Brazant December 1, 2017 at 7:44 & 11:57AM
I wonder, which Passenger Rail Carrier the Five (5) of those who surfaced as
described in the post "FOR THE CAUSE OF THE MYSTERY OF THE MISSING FIVE (MAYBE)", and are being transported as "precious" cargo from place to place, are on! Isn't it time that the tragic ordeal, which this Meaningful Individual as well as the "Precious" cargo is enduring was halted in order that they [Meaningful Olivia & Judy's (as documented in the post "THE BEAT OF THE COINCDENTAL DEATHS GOES ON - UPDATED") approximate twelve (12) month old daughter to prevent it (Judy's Baby) from becoming another MEMORIAL SITIING statistic] can be returned(/taken) to their place (Country) of origin! On REPOSTING OF WHEN TERRIBLE THINGS HAPPEN TO MEANINGFUL INDIVIDUALS!

NOVEMBER 23, 2017

James F Brazant November 23, 2017 at 11:01 AM



NOVEMBER 17, 2017
James F Brazant  November 17, 2017 at 1:09 PM
A definite indication of how "complicated" individuals lives are becomes more evident when the results of their actions comes full circle to "haunt" such types who initially, readily agree to implement and/or carry out any dishonorable action for a "price", with their (as many as) FIVE (5) Cellphones, without knowing anything about whom they may be agreeing to attempt to "humiliate" by effecting "business" as usual. However, on occasion some may effect turnarounds with regards specific actions on realizing what they may have undertaken against another & there's no "telling" what may result. On FOR THE CAUSE OF A TALENTED ACTRESS & KIN - EDITED & UPDATED!

NOVEMBER 13, 2017
James F Brazant  November 13, 2017 at 2:51 PM
For the Meaningful "hero sister" (depicted in the below photo) 
who was never unwilling to assist & offer advice (even if I didn't want to hear it), never let it be said that this brother was unthankful for ALL that you did as we approach the "Thanksgiving Season", & as is my practice not to wait for a specific day, this reminder is being made practically at this time to say how special you proved you are! On THE NEW ARRANGEMENT- UPDATED

NOVEMBER 11, 2017
James F Brazant  November 11, 2017 at 3:52 AM
Those 3 types of the Fifth with its "image" of an Empire, who accustomed to affecting outcomes must remember, there is NO scenario they can "arrange" in any way, shape or form or even mislead by any outward neatly orchestrated array to beset the lives of those types with the courage to take action to effect change, (which can impede the Creator's will) that takes Him by surprise! On INFORMATION TO ASSIST A DEAR YOUNG LADY HOPING FOR A CHANGE IN DIRECTION-UPDATED

NOVEMBER 10, 2017
James F Brazant  November 10, 2017 at 11:46 AM
Those of the Fifth with its "Image" of an Empire (as documented in the Pretender...paragraph of the post "CLARITY DESCRIBED & ON DISPLAY-UPDATED") who have been taught that they were assigned the "right" to sit in judgment of others as documented in the Conservery (Historical ONLY) Blog post "WHEN SCRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE-UPDATED", should be reminded that only ONE OTHER has the authority to judge ALL, as documented in the Conservery (Historical ONLY) Blog post "WHAT DOES IT REALLY MEAN TO BE FAIR-UPDATED?". On INFORMATION TO ASSIST A DEAR YOUNG LADY HOPING FOR A CHANGE IN DIRECTION-UPDATED

NOVEMBER 4(5), 2017
James F Brazant November 4(5), 2017 at 8:07(5:36) PM
1st Published September 4, 2017 at 3:27 PM On FOR THE CAUSE OF THE MYSTERY OF THE MISSING V MAYBE?
The PATH that looms LARGELY ahead (see below photo)

is not always an indication that this is guidance for the direction, which is best to follow. It may very well turn out to be, for if this is the case it will "STAND-UP" to active INTENSE SCRUTINY and the outcome will probably be worth the effort! On REPOSTING OF WHEN TERRIBLE THINGS HAPPEN TO MEANINGFUL INDIVIDUALS!

NOVEMBER 1, 2017
James F Brazant  November 1, 2017 at 4:50 PM
A definitive indication of respect would be demonstrated in compliance with the specific itinerary request of the Young Lady (being offered an alternative)! On INFORMATION TO ASSIST A DEAR YOUNG LADY HOPING FOR A CHANGE IN DIRECTION

James F Brazant  November 1, 2017 at 11:52 AM
This modified comment was 1st published on October 16, 2017 at 11:30 AM on Reposting of When Terrible Things Happen to Meaningful Individuals!

A definite indication of how "complicated" individuals lives are become more evident when the results of their actions comes full circle to "haunt" such types, who initially, readily agree to implement and/or carry out any dishonorable action for a "price" without knowing anything about whom they may be agreeing to attempt to "humiliate" by effecting "business" as usual. However, on occasion some may effect turnarounds on realizing what they may have undertaken against another.

OCTOBER 16, 2017
James F Brazant  October 16, 2017 at 11:30 AM
A definite indication of how "complicated" an individual's life is becomes more evident when the results of their actions comes full circle to "haunt" such types, who readily agree to implement and/or carry out any dishonorable action for a "price" without knowing anything about whom they may be agreeing to attempt to "humiliate" by effecting "business" as usual even on his/her ONE, TWO or possibly FIVE (5) cellphones. Such individuals then direct underlings to expend many hours in cover-up type actions to remove themselves from what acts disrespecting the rights of others they may have undertaken by adopting "sublime" plans to attempt to "scapegoat" others. On REPOSTING OF WHEN TERRIBLE THINGS HAPPEN TO MEANINGFUL INDIVIDUALS!

OCTOBER 6, 2017

James F Brazant  October 6, 2017 at 8:33 AM
Sometimes a delay is necessary to effect something better & just as the Creator allowed the Pretender to continue his pretensions in any of four (4) different varieties over time as outlined in the post "CLARITY DESCRIBED AND ON DISPLAY" to attain the type of meaningful outcome desired; such action is on occasion required in our lives to achieve the needed objective. On REPOSTING OF THE POST EXAMPLES OF COURAGE - UPDATED

SEPTEMBER 25, 2017

James F Brazant  September 25, 2017 at 9:14 PM
Delayed gratitude should be handled very, very cautiously & the same delay should be exercised in determining how to proceed (as symbolized in the included photo depicting that it is not always as easy to find direction as is shown when there is much competing criteria) . In 9 out of 10 such cases the inappropriate and/or incorrect decision will be made, as a result, the same delay should be exercised in the decision-making as was used in making the "gratitude" available, because it may very well end up causing more harm than effecting any positive outcome! On REPOSTING OF THE POST THE STRANGE DEATH OF AN ICON

SEPTEMBER 24, 2017
James F Brazant  September 24, 2017 at 12:49 PM
A meaningful individual will stand out (as indicated in the below photo),
regardless of what the person may have experienced because of the qualities such possesses, which can't be destroyed by the harsh conditions that exist in our society. On WHEN TERRIBLE THINGS HAPPEN TO.MEANINGFUL INDIVIDUALS - UPDATED

SEPTEMBER 23, 2017
James F Brazant  September 23, 2017 at 8:26 PM
The direction, which is taken reveals a great deal about the type of individuals we are, because some would rather travel many miles to execute a "twisted" plan instead of just a "few" steps that will lead to assured assistance since all things are being viewed through the "prism that represents their lives lived! On THE MEMORIAL SITING THAT.STOOD APART

SEPTEMBER 22, 2017
James F Brazant September 22, 2017 at 4:42 AM
James F Brazant 1st Published September 4, 2017 at 3:27 PM
The path that looms LARGELY ahead (see below photo)
is not always an indication that this is guidance for the direction, which is best to follow. It may very well turn out to be, for if this is the case it will "stand-up" to intense scrutiny and the outcome will probably be worth the effort! On THE MEMORIAL SITING THAT.STOOD APART

SEPTEMBER 19, 2017
James F Brazant September 19, 2017 at 1:19 PM
1st Published September 4, 2017 at 3:27 PM
The PATH that looms LARGELY ahead (see below photo)
is not always an indication that this is guidance for the direction, which is best to follow. It may very well turn out to be, for if this is the case it will "stand-up" to active intense scrutiny and the outcome will probably be worth the effort! On FOR THE CAUSE OF THE MYSTERY OF THE MISSING V MAYBE?

SEPTEMBER 13, 2017
James F Brazant September 13, 2017 at 9:23 PM
As previously pointed out in the Conservery Blog post, NO SITUATION ENACTED (OR CONCOCTED) BY MAN TAKES GOD BY SURPRISE, & this should not be mistaken for anything other than that. On FOR THE CAUSE OF LONGTIME FRIEND AMY!

James F Brazant September 9, 2017 at 10:52 AM
The development(s) that resulted in the surfacing of my late dear friend Carol & kin is (are) truly mysterious in my opinion and what really took place may never be publicly revealed about the exact manner in, which Carol & 2 close kin were "taken down", which resulted in their being considered "missing without a trace" publicly as documented in the Conservery Dedication. On  A SAD END TO MY UNEXPECTED FRIEND

James F Brazant 1st Published September 4, 2017 at 3:27 PM
The path that looms LARGELY ahead is not always an indication that this is guidance for the direction, which is best to follow. It may very well turn out to be, for if this is the case it will "stand-up" to intense scrutiny and the outcome will probably be worth the effort! On RARE SIGHTINGS!

AUGUST 31, 2017
James F Brazant August 31, 2017 at 12:17 PM
The mop/clean-up mode I was in entering Pratt as a "Junior" made it extremely difficult & really impossible for me to make contact with my "Freshman" friend outside that mandatory English Class (made so due to Congressional action as pointed out by the School & had that not occurred I probably would not have even met my dear friend because I had already completed English classes at TCI but received no transfer credits for it) with: a)  the packed schedule I had planned, b) being an off campus (resident) student who took part in no on-campus activities outside my regular classes & c) with my objective set, which was to complete undergraduate studies in 3 years & that was accomplished.
As a result, I very much looked forward to the single class my "Freshman" friend & I shared. On FOR MY WONDERFUL "FRESHMAN" FRIEND!

AUGUST 27, 2017
James F Brazant August 27, 2017 at 6:51 AM
This outline is being posted for a dear individual who was also previously mentioned on the pages of these Blogs who is also now missing & has not been heard from for sometime, namely the very talented Anne Hathaway. One would think in these days of almost instant communication that the cause of such an individual who is very much in the public's "eye" would receive more recognition but that is not the case. I do wonder however, how the closest relative & family member Luciana Barro is bearing up with Anne being missing, assuming that Luciana is also around and hope that this young dedicated actress will be released &/or returned by those who use such methods to achieve their objectives. On SHINE A LIGHT FOR COUSIN ABBY

AUGUST 24, 2017
James F Brazant August 24, 2017 at 2:02 PM
Some individuals are notable for just caring, and my dear friend ELIN NORDIGREN, is such a person, who is unafraid to lend a hand when in a position too and give time & talent when able to; therefore this to make it known to those responsible that meaningful ELIN, is cared about and will also be kept in awareness before ALL to ensure a safe return even though NOT HAVING BEEN HEARD FROM FOR SOMETIME. on WHEN TRAGEDY STRIKES LIKE THUNDER!

AUGUST 17, 2017
James F Brazant August 17, 2017 at 11:59 AM
May they both find "peaceful" rest from what they endured! On RARE SIGHTINGS!

AUGUST 4, 2017
James F Brazant August 4, 2017 at 4:05 PM
Over the years I have often wondered if on the last occasion I saw Lois in the winter of 1991 (Jan/Feb) and had I acknowledged getting a glimpse of her from a distance would it have made difference in how events turned out. But I was respecting her wishes as I interpreted her returning of the cake as a statement and I respected it, being an individual who is very mindful of the wishes of others. The chance encounter, on two occasions 1n 1991 are the last occasions on, which I saw her and I will never know if those NON APPOINTMENTS would have made a difference. On A FITTING RESTING PLACE FOR A RED CARPET FRIEND - UPDATED 8/3/2017

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