Sunday, July 30, 2017


(For A Dear Friend, OLIVIA GIBBONS)

Like a tender flower that has survived dew & raindrops,
and cradle the stormy water in its petals for a winged passerby to take a sip;
so too does my dear friend Olivia offers a willing hand to assist even if beset by
those with an idle lip.
Therefore, its would be very troubling if she was consumed by a "coincidental" disaster.
How can you go on when under what isn't banter?

by lending a hand to another & NOT FOCUSING on the collective whispers
My closing wish for the tender-voice girl of my youth,

is that Olivia (referenced in bullet 2 of the "As previously pointed out..." paragraph of the Conclusion section of the post) " What's Good For The Geese Is Also Good For The Wireless Carnders" can be a tender flower (3/31/2019),
cradling the inquiries of the many air-wave talkers,
who seldom get "drop" calls when they become her "finger walkers",
in search of details only she could "broadcaster".

By Fran for Olivia

1 comment:

  1. A meaningful individual will stand out (as indicated in the below photo), regardless of what the person may have experienced because of the qualities such possesses, which can't be destroyed by the harsh conditions that exist in our society.

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