Sunday, March 31, 2019

CLARITY DESCRIBED & ON DISPLAY - Part 1 (REPUBLISHED 3/31/2019 & Additional Update Dates are Below))

The below excerpt from the Google+ Page What's the Truth Versus Fabrication About God, under the topic "The Importance of Biblical Names", is in support of the cause of ACCURACY (or shedding light where misconception currently exists as the included photo indicates). This post has been separated into two parts with Part 1 focused on showing the inconsistency that was made to appear as if existed in different parts of the Biblical text between the sixty-four (64) versus the remaining two (2) futuristic works was aimed at establishing credibility for THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S former ABITRATOR who was conveying deity upon himself & Part 2 being the Conclusion that helps to underscore the difference between what was ushered in & what should have been established if in fact THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER was directly connected with what had been implemented in the Dominion(s - 4/5a&b/2019).
The excerpt highlights the inconsistency between the Genesis & Revelation accounts regarding the description for the Serpent, which has broader implications for these works generally as is brought out below. Please follow below the included excerpt. 

Background Details:

"[In another example, in the "Biblical" book of Genesis, the serpent is indicated simplistically as being a “subtil…beast of the field…”. However in the Biblical futuristic book of Revelation, as recorded in the 12 chapter and verse 9, the serpent is indicated as being part of a “wonder in heaven” where it states, "…And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out and his angels were cast out with him. Clearly, the Biblical book of Revelation does NOT convey the serpent to be a beast of the field, but more accurately a very complex, deceptive “power” with FOUR different “aspects” that were ALL very evil, because of the extremely negative names that it is represented as, as follows: 1) the great dragon, 2) that old serpent, 3) the Devil and 4) Satan implying that they are referring to a complex Power with four (4) power centers. However, the two (2) futuristic works were conveyed as being the only authentic work authored by THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S former ARBITRATOR once he with his complex ability to see ahead (in the future) became aware of this Servant's journey after the apostolic period would have been over & as a result are NOT valid (4/5/2019). The others though being flawed are the "vehiclethat was used to effect their circulation & as a resultare ALL "tied together" as a single volume of combined works as details regarding the other sixty-four (64) are also included in the two (2) futuristic works (4/5/2019).

Other Details of Interest:

In the context, the name Serpent is being used to apply to a very evil, very complex powerful individual with the ability to be different non/simultaneous individuals whom THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER'S will with regards these works is for them to be used as a resource only from, which overcoming will be eventually result as it (the Serpent) is being conveyed as being "relatively" very deceptive & powerful in the 2nd of the two (2) "futuristic" witnesses (3/30/2019). This same powerful individual is also described as a very unflattering individual in another section of this Witness. 
One possibility would be Lucifer the original female "created" (as described in the New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW - Part 1 but she was  eventually destroyed because of the child she was carrying, the 2nd would be Adam Pretender & the 3rd would be the former ARBITRATOR (4/5/2019). Those who went to extraordinary lengths to continually disrupt the journey being executed by this Servant that was further manipulated by him to achieve their desired objective that had been redirected by THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S - RECTIFER to show by example that it's possible to overcome the built in societal practices & avoid succumbing to the various enticements that are intended to force all into adopting evil as a "normal" part of lifestyle/living customs (4/5/2019). One of the many inaccurate points in the Genesis account is its description of man as placed in the Earth being created in God's image, namely male & female, which is NOT the case [less those placed in the Earth conclude that they were "godlike" because there was NO original male individual (placed in the Earth) as pointed out in the New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW], as ultimately did take place with the former ARBITRATOR assigning himself the term "Lord god" & acted in this manner along with those who  followed the type of society he initiated (as their now revealed cloning activities depict as outlined in the post THE NEW ARRANGEMENT (INCLUSIVE) - Part 2 indicate (4/5/2019). The term female implies that she is intended to be a "Supporter" of the male as the point being made in this creation account to symbolically indicate what the role of a female should be (created from the side of the male), hence implying the "Supporter/Partner" of the male and as a result, the term man implying both male & female even though there was no original male individual (placed in the Earth) as indicated above.
Only the Mastermind [Extensive Power or former ARBITRATOR] & Clair apart from THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER are still around because of their complex capabilities possessed as indicated in the New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW – Part 2, unlike Adam Pretender with no complex capabilities who was permitted to "return" in all the six (6) varieties his personalities appeared in (4/5/2019). As a result, he did NOT in fact die as indicated in the Genesis account, but "turned" up in the other varieties permitted as indicated in the Footnote of the post THE FINAL OUTCOME OF THE (SERVANT) WHO WILL NEVER BECOME AN OVERCOMER NOTABLE (4/2/2029). Adam Pretender ensured that evil was incorporated in this society (being manipulated by the Mastermind) by for example in the Genesis account to ultimately give Biblical credibility & future acceptance for the animal diet & the resulting destruction of THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER’S Living Things needed to effect such a change because of there being insufficient food for both Living Things & individuals to survive on when individuals weren't even supposed to be in existence & in the incorrect environment as indicated to ensure that evil would reign supreme in order that he would always remain in the role he had been carving out for himself as "Lord god (or god the father)his "defining" act about, which added details are included in the New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW – Part 1. In reality, the Biblical account is intended to highlight the descendants of Lucifer & then anoint himself with deity (4/5/2019). Seth became a casualty of "operation population" as described in the post  REPUBLISHING OF THE REASON FOR THE FAULTS.
To add to this exalting act, Adam Pretender (being manipulated by the Mastermind) eventually went on to implement two (2) of his signature "inventions",1) currency & 2) the equating of the human body & its functions with monetary value in order to amass "empire-size" wealth (hiding in a different personalities), which both has had the most devastating impact on this dominion (4/1/2019). The "warning" through Nebuchadnezzar that such "pretentions" could only be carried out four (4) times by Daniel, is an indication of the fact that even with this warning he continued on to hide his empire-size wealth on a fifth occasion, that the former ARBITRATOR even though the Author was NOT connected with THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP (4/5/2019). The 5th "image" of an empire, (or the Agency) with its "two-divided" global Money Managing Accounting "Act" Arm that together control & handle the global wealth empire with its built-in freedom-trading-methods to ensure that its financial "health" & "stability" isn't impacted by any type of development with the potential to disrupt a Carefully Established System of Enterprise that "sustains" ALL who "pays" allegiance to it that he (the Mastermind) chose to hide the wealth behind to ensure that evil was entrenched to mislead regarding how the Earth was really populated as pointed out in the New Liveli Blog post CONTRIBUTING DETAILS REGARDING WHAT'S NEW – Part 1. However, even the existence of this "Force" that is possible because of lack of any standards for conduct in the outposts he was permitted to established; isn't enough to override the will of THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER on the other hand for effecting the intended program because ultimately it was implemented as will be discussed in other posts in these Blogs (4/5/2019).

his post will conclude in CLARITY DESCRIBED & ON DISPLAY - Part 2 (REPUBLISHED) focusing on examining society that was established without standards to demonstrate that THE UNIVERSAL ADJUSTOR GROUP'S RECTIFER was in no way connected with it (4/5/2019).  

REPUBLISHED & UPDATED EXCERPT FROM "AT WHAT PRICE LOYALTY" - (3/31/2019 & Additional Update Dates are Below)

This republishing of the reposted excerpt from the post AT WHAT PRICE LOYALTY- UPDATED & AMENDED, (which is focused on the extent that the monetizing of human body functions is pervasive in these societies as indicated in ITEM #3 of the post THE 18 EVENTS THAT SHAPED THE EARTH'S HISTORY); is being divided into two (2) parts, with Part 1 focusing on how the tough "fairness seekers" implemented their objectives & Part 2 dedicated to the cause of those "Native" Americans who had assisted the "fairness seekers" in their "hour of need" (3/31/2019). This post uplifts the cause of ALL those UNNAMED who "bore" the brunt of the expanding of the population in the New World, namely the captured female descendants of Cedar Alpha because in reality those who colonized the New World included zero to no European females that came on these journeys as only complex females arrived &/or were sent with the males/boys. As a result, the captured female descendants of Cedar Alpha [in addition to what was included in those ships other than hybrids (namely gorillas)] that were needed for the expansion of the population because without them it would not have grown; are who really bore the brunt of populating the New World. Life in the new world was too hazardous for the European females to risk migrating in any numbers fearing all the reports circulating about the savage conditions and none came. As a result, the component of the population that was produced in the "New World" was comprised of those with origins that for the most part connected back to the many unnamed female descendants of Cedar Alpha (& what came in the slave cargo ships) who became the "Mothers" for the "New World", regardless of how their descendants may appear. 

"This decision that was made by the Colonists was not an example of an expedient one but of sound decision-making because they wrestled with it in the many sessions they held that united this "rag tag" band of "fairness seekers" against the entrenched "power" of the day as documented in the post AN UNUSUAL FORM OF EXEMPLIFIED COURAGE - EDITED AND UPDATED. Please follow below for how these events unfolded even into modern times.

Background Details:
During those days when "support" was scarce the colonists relied on assistance from “first Americans” when the Colonial "masters" hunted them down for daring to protest the imposed taxes that kept the “gentry” living lives of ease at the expense of all others. Therefore, the decision by those "entitled" few who agreed to with this scheme of allowing impostors to pretend to be "real" Americans is one of the worst acts of treason and cowardice ANY individual(s) could perpetrate against their own Country generally and the "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave", specifically because of its unique history comprising of individuals with no common ancestral heritage links making it a devastating blow to the uniqueness of the Nation that is far worst by comparison to anything that Hitler did during WW2 because his misdeeds were well documented in contrast to the sheer covertly destructive nature of what was carried out by these "few" entitled types.
In their attempt to cover-up what had been perpetrated secretly, these types embarked upon a path of stealing the legitimate foundations of the unsuspecting in an effort to replace and/or shore-up the hog "manure" structures these types "without origins" ALL possess and that lead them to choose to become skill less, idle filled meaningless perpetrators of man’s oldest profession wrapped only in “silken” attire and willing to take the accomplishments achieved by others for themselves to make up for what lacking in theirs (solid foundations). THESE ARE THOSE WHO ARE ALL NOW CLAIMING TO BE ORIGINALS AS DOCUMENTED IN THE Implications/Outcome section of the post WHAT STOPPED A CHAMPION - EDITED AND UPDATED and supported at all cost by self interest, vindictive "survivor" types with "questionable knowledge" of events they were no where in sight when they took place but such "bold" types when it comes to my history, accomplishments, identity and qualifications (or solid "foundations") are willing to say "anything" (for the right "price") to be sure their "situation" is "taken" care of.

Ensuing Objectives:
Such types have to be sure that their own maternal half's "foundationless" cause is "addressed" and so it's no wonder that such in turn pretend that those without foundations are legitimate, by implying that such types have "realsolid "foundations" instead of the hog "manure structures" that exists in the meaningless lives of ALL such individuals including those who "support" such as documented in the post Conservery historical only Blog post GARBAGE IN, (SWEET SMELLING ODORS), GARBAGE OUT. Naturally, these types ALL readily trade their hog "manure" structures for those of made of solid concrete by doing very little that's ethical and/or upright in exchange for what belongs to others regardless of what is required of such "whatever works" types. Therefore, given the chance to support what 's propermeaningful and wholesome these types choose the path, that's most expedient for their own self-serving situations rather than one that preserves those things that are unique to this Nation's history that was "carved" out by this Country’s "fairness seekers", because such individuals possess and profess "paper" abilities ONLY as theirs ISN'T intrinsic, that's why when given the opportunity they will gravitate to what's  improper, illegitimate and worthless. These "bystanderism" types naturally support the self interest of their "free loaders cause" types that those "few" who endowed themselves with the power to trade away this Nation's heritage "boldly gave away" in order to gravitate back to easily obtained but societal destructive income generation that was clearly demonstrated in the historically recent financial crisis that clearly highlighted the significant impact their shadowy methods had on this Nation's financial structure as documented in the post THE FINANCIAL CRISIS INQUIRY COMMISSION's (FCICs) REPORT IN ADDITION TO TIME VINDICATES A CRUSADER - UPDATED. Its clear to ANY willing to examine the nature of the "free loader cause" carefully to realize how destructive such is to a Nation with a unique history such as this Country has and why those first settlers and others fought so defiantly to rid themselves of with the assistance of those very first Americans who they (the "free loader cause" types who now control this nation's "halls of power") turned their backs on (as would be expected of "bystanderism" types) as the case of my dear "1st American" friend Lois Bruno, of the "Chisholm family inclusive" demonstrates as documented in the Conservery historical only Blog posts THOSE WHO WOULD BE god - EDITED AND UPDATED, in addition to THE QUESTIONS OF THE MONTH'S PREMISE - UPDATED, which is graphically depicted in the Conservery historical only Blog.
As a result, a modern day form of these practices have been reintroduced by those "few" on behalf of the many (who bestowed this power upon themselves) for those seeking easily attained “credibility” in exchange for doing very little meaningful activity because they have no skills that are not  borrowed, in the form of corporate  and other “free loaders” and those seeking advancement to higher office being careful to be "partnered" with those of this class, whose lifestyles bare a strong resemblance to those of the former so called "aristocracy" in such that in this world, the real parentage of those involved is very difficult if not downright impossible to tell, because those males with whom such females are partnered usually are not the parents of their offspring, but has to be willing to act as such otherwise inclusion is not permitted, since this is the world they have bought into and as a result, they have to act accordingly".

This post will conclude in REPOSTING OF AN (UPDATED) EXCERPT FROM THE POST AT WHAT PRICE LOYALTY! - Part 2 (3/31/2019)


The most updated version of this post is now in the New Liveli Blog at the below link REPUBLISHING OF THE 18 EVENTS THAT SHAPED THE EARTH'S HISTORY (11/10/2019).