Wednesday, November 7, 2018

"DEAFENING" VIOLENCE! (New 11/7/2018) (Update Dates Are Below)

For the cause of a "silent" victim whose "brutal" end was completed by one who has now grown accustomed to such, enabled by those types who have been taught disrespect for all by Helen & hers (2/28/2019). Please follow below.

This victim was a spouse & probably more,
whose sojourn here at the Green Forest was brief & full of "gore",
while most have gone on as if nothing unusual took place in the lower space recently vacated by another.
In this case has been left to carry on & pretend as if there isn't any bother?
This Servant has intentionally remained silent because of this development,
waiting to "see" if some outcomes would result from this "bloody" supplement.
How "telling" it is in this society so "filled' with this type of enactment,
Where "life" goes on as if what unfolded  was just routine in that compartment.
Maybe by this outline some outcome may develop,
that "speaks" to the cause of one silent victim that may have caused others to envelop (2/28/2019)!                                                                


  1. I wonder WhO benefitted from this tragedy?

    Note: The most updated version of all comments is found on the COMMENTS (Year) Page that can be accessed via the link under the USEFUL PAGES group.

  2. The path...that...looms...LARGELY ahead is NEVER an indication of what's the correct direction to follow. On occasion, complete turnaround in direction) is needed to obtain the best perspective of the available options to chart (or set course too). Originally posted On INFORMATION TO ASSIST A DEAR YOUNG LADY HOPING FOR A CHANGE IN DIRECTION-UPDATED

    Note: The most updated version of all comments is found on the COMMENTS (Year) Page that can be accessed via the link under the NOTABLE LINKS Group.

  3. The way that appears to loom directly ahead is NEITHER the avenue to proceed when in possession of unexplainable items, (which should be typically arriving via "official" channels because some have concluded that the type of developments described in the Cosvry Historical ONLY Blog post "ONE TOO MANY COINCIDENCES, THE FINALE UPDATED" achieve questionable objectives); NOR are such actions the panacea they seem they are.

    Note: The most updated version of all comments is found on the COMMENTS (year) Page that can be accessed via the link under the NOTABLE LINKS group.

  4. The myth of Friday 13th being "unlucky" for some is NOT the panacea others who use whatever works methods think it is to get away with the "trail" of evil actions such types leave behind.

    Note: The most updated version of all comments is found on the COMMENTS (year) Page that can be accessed via the link under the NOTABLE LINKS group.

  5. When shortcuts are taken to achieve short-term gains in a place where the Green Forest exists;; it will be discovered that later, repeated actions will have to be taken to attempt to redress (or try to cover-up), the methods used in attaining such outcomes.

    Note: The most updated form of all comments is found on the COMMENTS (year) Page that can be accessed via the link under the NOTABLE LINKS group.

  6. Past "success" is not always an indication of achieving the desired outcome continually, while attempting to "travel" down the same pathway using less than stellar methods to attain "gains" at the expense of others!

    Note: The most updated form of all comments is found on the COMMENTS (year) Page that can be accessed via the link under the NOTABLE LINKS group.
