Friday, August 24, 2018


For the cause of providing the answer to the question posed in the original but now Historical Conservery ONLY Blog post HOW DO YOU GO FROM BEING A SMALL TOWN COUNTRY STORE TO BECOMING THE BIGGEST CORPORATION OF ITS TYPE IN THE WORLD?", which as it turns out isn't "fictional" after all.

Introduction & Background Details:

As is pointed out in the above outline, the ensuing events aren't really fictional because real lives were affected by those who followed the methods & were aided by Adam Pretender in effecting. In this case it turned out to be the real life "mogul" who was the inventor of paints as we know them today, which transformed the type of finish used in the construction industry and in the process amassed a fortune. This individual Bayard Cutting also lived the life of a "baron" & by so doing drew the attention of many who envied him, which the family estate that was turned into the Arboretum in East Islip, NY bears witness to.
In reality the Country Store type, which was at the center of the referenced post was one of many that evolved from the sale of the paints he invented & eventual stores he founded on his way to amassing his fortune. What took place in reality was that he & most of his family were "buried" by one who saw an opportunity to turn this "country store" concept into something different meaning the availability of much more than the paint & supplies type stores that became the more broadly-based entity It is today & in the process many in this Land of the Free & Home of the Brave" where it's based don't even remember that it was the business started by paint magnet Bayard Cutting & his fortune, which enabled the expansion referenced in that post.


None of the indicated events would have been possible without the unseen but real "direct" support of Adam Pretender who enabled this magnet with his English ancestry to be absconded by "Sam W" & his supporters, renamed on its way to becoming what it's known as today and most of Bayard Cutting's family "buried" along with him & by so doing showing how real "success" is achieved the Pretender's way, by stealing from others in one way or another.

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