UPDATED 12/27a&b, 12/29, 12/30/2017, 1/2a&b, 1/3, 1/6, 1/8a&b - 1/10, 1/13 - 1/19, 1/21, 1/22, 1/24a&b - 2/1, 2/3 - 2/6, 2/8a&b, 2/11 - 2/15, 2/17, 2/18, 2/20 - 2/24, 2/26a,b&c, 2/28, 3/1a&b - 3/3, 3/5a&b - 3/9, 3/11 & 3/13/2018 - Further updates are included below with information & on Candedom - Administrative Details Page as of 4/5/20/8.

It must be noted that the following is expected for the Selectees & "Grandfathered" Residents in the hope that the type of attitude indicated will become the norm and be fostered by ALL.

The link to the Post above AN EXAMPLE OF WHY RE-EDUCATION IS NEEDED (4/4/2018)
Further changes are being made due to a combination of factors & recent issues, the first of, which will be that ALL positions/activities will be based in WHAT'S "NEW". Furthermore, what is meant in the Biblical book of "The Revelation..." as by "New.. coming down", the word Jerusalem was NOT given to John as described in the post THE NEW ARRANGEMENT & THE REVELATION - UPDATED, this word was added by those who wanted to harmonize all the books to give credibility to the other 64 Biblical books. WHAT'S NEW THAT WILL COME DOWN CANNOT BE PURCHASED WITH CURRENCY, THE 8TH (OF THE 18) DEVELOPMENTS THAT HAD A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT IN THIS EXISTING DOMINION AS DESCRIBED IN THE POST THE EIGHTEEN EVENTS THAT SHAPED THE EARTH'S HISTORY (3/25/2018),  otherwise those who possess the most will think that they can purchase their way into THE NEW ARRANGEMENT. THIS "NEW" KINGDOM (NK) THAT WAS COMING DOWN WAS THE "NEW" ARRANGEMENT (NA) AND IS WHAT WAS REALLY BEING CONVEYED TO JOHN BY THE CREATOR, WHO ALONE KNOWS THE FUTURE. 
These developments underscore the fact that ALL do the Creator's will when in comes to HIS program from a "big picture" perspective as described in the Background Details section of the post THE ORIGINALLY CREATED INDIVIDUALS & LIVING THINGS
A few other outcomes are needed, the 1st  is identifying the Days Off Approach, the 2nd is describing the roles of the Selectees identified in the NA Selectees Organizational Chart Clarified - Figure 3 and of the NEW ARRANGEMENT - "Grandfathered" Residents, if not appropriately indicated either in the listing in the OVERCOMERS post or described in the STRUCTURAL DETAILS REGARDING THE NEW ARRANGEMENT post, in their respective sections as follows (3/25/2018), the 3rd is identifying when the process will be completed for the selection of Selectees & "Grandfathered" Residents to be eventually included in the New Arrangement (NA), which will be displayed on this Page in the Current Information section below  & the 4th is identifying the Community Lady Administrator (CAL) depicted beginning with Rev 64 of NA Selectees Organizational Chart Clarified - Figure 3  who will be the original Cedar female who was placed in what eventually became the USA and whom  Cedar Alpha never discovered. Her role as CAL will be the individual assigned  as having the final decision-making authority regarding female issues in the NA regarding the Selectees that requires input to determine if they become active and/or functional. This is different from those issues that are addressed by the Advocate Administrator & Arbitration Group whose focus will be on issues regarding functioning activities. My input would then be to determine when & how best to have them effected. See the OVERCOMERS post for additional details about this position & individual (4/3/2018).

Days Off Approach:
In the NA there will neither be a week-end off type of established criterion, since activities will be on-going nor will there be a sickness enactment as sickness is due to disobedience and in the NA since the Creator's will will be carried out as indicated in the Conclusion section of the post THE RESIDENTS OFTHE NEW ARRANGEMENT, days off for sickness is NOT needed. As a compensation, ALL will receive days off based on function for special activities with the Auxiliary & Administrative Detailer plus the Special Services Retainer groups receiving eighteen (18) days off and the Operations Overseer group sixteen (16) annually. These are in addition to any other days off defined for individuals carrying out specific functions. Those scheduling selectees for time off in their groups should coordinate their efforts through the Group Administrator (who keeps the Head Trainer aware of how many individuals will be at the facility as needed), to ensure that NOT more than five (5) individuals are off simultaneously (since this is the maximum of horses that will be available ONLY for transportation/fun-related activities) & in addition, (those scheduling days off) should be sure that all functions continue uninterrupted (3/30/2018).

To foster a sense of achievement among Selectees & Residents alike around a harmonizing uplifting theme with its focus - a new beginning in the NA, all will be encouraged to submit their ideas for such a theme except those who will be choosing the successful entry that best captures this concept, which will be displayed prominently in all three (3) communities. The successful Selection will be chosen by my very dear childhood friend Ulilia Edwards & myself. Those who have been selected or "Grandfathered" can start thinking about this in the interim if desired EVEN THOUGH NOTHING IN THIS PROCESS WILL BE ACCEPTED PRIOR TO THE SRART OF THE NA and the incentives will be as follows:
  • for "Grandfathered" Residents, the equivalent of double the typical living arrangement (room) size will be made available plus an award &
  • for Selectees it will be a one (1) time extra day off plus an award  (3/30/2018).
2) The new Site colors broadly represent the two (2) different phases of my journey, where the BLUE & GOLD banner represent the 1st, which took place in the country of my upbringing, Barbados. This is very important because together they (the colors) also represent the locations where ALL the Selectees & "Grandfathered" Residents alike are in some manner either directly or indirectly connected and/or associated with. From the first (1st) Clair the Original to the most recent, Kim Kardashian who in the case of the Original Clair is associated with Barbados (the approximate location where the main group of originals were placed, in Clair's case), while in Kim's case she as do I have heritages linked to the native American tribe of Pocahontas (see the Introduction section of the post THE INTRODUCTION OF CEDAR OMEGA for details about my connection). The OFF RED type color represents my Cedar heritage and by association the USA where the original Cedar Alpha was placed & via whom 1st Americans descended. This country in, which I have resided for a much longer period than the country of my upbringing, is quite appropriately where most of the Selectees & "Grandfathered" Residents are either directly or indirectly connected and/or associated with. The Creator who placed the plan to rescue the earth into action just 21 years after the Originals (excluding Clair), turned their habitat into a disaster zone as discussed in The Concluding Details section of the post THE EIGHTEEN EVENTS THAT SHAPED THE EARTH'S HISTORY, alone knew who would be included in the NA and those who have been given the opportunity like no other should weigh carefully what has been afforded them (3/27/2018).
) Details about the Special Project Coordinator are in the OVERCOMERS post (3/25/2018).

4) The new grouping within the NA Selectees Organizational Structure as depicted in Rev 61 of Figure 3 was carried out to enable greater functional pairing with the facility operations in Section 1. They include the Center, Resources and the Horse Facilities under the Operations Overseer.
On the other hand, all the support and administrative (admin) functions are grouped in section 2 excluding the special services as depicted in Figure 3. These Asset Management (or Auxiliary) services as well as the admin activities have been placed under the Auxiliary & Administrative Detailer because these activities that aren't typically paired will require a skilled & detailed negotiator  type individual to manage them while ensuring that the type of cohesiveness required to effect a successful outcome is provided.
The stand alone special services that generally include; technical/infrastructure, researching & facilities inspections are now under the Special Services Retainer in order to maintain the independence needed between the service providers and inspection as previously indicated are in section 3.
I'm confident that the those selected for these positions above will meet these requirements as needed. (3/28/2018) 
5) The process for the selection of Selectees & "Grandfathered" Residents who will eventually be included in the New Arrangement is now complete with those indicated on the pages of this Blog! (3/30/2018)
 6) The attached Facebook Link below is a description about HOW TO CONTINUE SUCCESSFULLY IN THE INTERIM regarding simple living/living & it's my hope that those seeking such objectives will be able to benefit from these opportunities that are depicted in the included organizational chart (included in the JFBAlbum1 attached to the comment in the post), realizing that they aren't a panacea as challenges may still be encountered because we are living in a society devoted to the opposite of what is being undertaken that is implied in the Facebook Comment that references the "developments" that took place & are partially described in the Conservery HISTORICAL only Blog post "WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY ...". This is the Facebook Link   ON-GOING OPPORTUNITIES CONCEPTUAL APPROACH (4/1/2018).   

Selectee & "Grandfathered" residents roles approach are listed below by section as indicated in the above Generic Information section (3/28/2018):
  • (➲)
  • The section 1 positions are:
  • Consistent with Rev 37 of the NA Selectees Organizational Chart Clarified - Figure 3 the new position of Operations Overseer with responsibility for all operations is discussed in the OVERCOMERS post (3/28/2018), 
  • Since all the Permanent Exhibitions/Museum activities will now be carried out at one location, there will now be a single Overall Curator consistent with the details in the Details of Importance section of the post STRUCTURAL DETAILS REGARDING THE NEW ARRANGEMENT will now be a "trail blazing" former 1st who is known for being very effective, sincere & skillful at causes she champions & who is also a dear and dedicated friend in Michelle Obama, who will also serve as the Travel Coordinator & [will assist the Events Coordinator in the planning of such activities (Special Events) if in her opinion the Center's facilities can contribute to the cause being promoted] (3/18/2018).
  • Assisting the Overall Curator as Overall Assistant Curator will be the daughter of a very detailed dear individual who is very worthy and as a gifted young lady will be very capable of providing the needed day-to-day assistance for the Curator to focus on her "big picture" long-term activities, 
  • Assistants &/or Facilitator/Assistants for the various Museum/Exhibitions who will no longer need to rotate because one of the Overall Assistant's main functions is to provide as needed assistance where its required between the Photographic Museum where the Assistant for the Photographic Museum will now be the very talented & dynamic Miley Cyrus, (3/18/2018) the Rock Collection Exhibition where the Assistant Curator will now be a very skilled dear talented Native American lady who is the highest ranking female in the current Mexican Government administration (who is finally retiring to pursue other opportunities). This very professionally articulate & discrete lady will bring her own "touch" to this Exhibition to enhance its appeal. The Old Fashioned Living/Lifestyle Customs & Old Fashioned Hand Operated Cotton Machines Exhibitions will now be combined with the Facilitator/Assistant becoming the very proactive & courageous former IA State 1st Lady Christie Vilsak. The two (2) Diet/Nutrition based Assistants/Facilitators for that Exhibition will be revealed as appropriate,
  • The roles of the Overall Facilities Coordinator, Head Trainer, Instructors as well as Assistant Trainer/Instructor, Special Events & Hobbies Coordinator & Assistant/Special Hobbies Facilitator are described in detail either in the STRUCTURAL DETAILS REGARDING THE NEW ARRANGEMENT post or in the OVERCOMERS post or both (3/29/2018),
  • The Diet/Nutrition Coordinator as depicted in the NA Selectees Organizational Chart Clarified - Figure 3 will a very proactive and committed to her cause lady in Dolly Parton who is known for being very diet conscious  and now will be assisted by two (2) Facilitators who will now be a dynamic & very compelling dear lady desirous of charting a new course in Trisha Huque with the 2nd being filled by the youngest and very capable daughter of the former state of IA 1st lady, Christie Vilsak (3/28/2018) &
  • The new Resource Coordinator will be a very responsible & long-standing friend in Elizabeth Maddox who is a very dear as well as an extremely accomplished individual (3/21/2018). 
  • (➲)
  • The section 2 positions are:
  • The new position of Auxiliary & Administrative Detailer as shown beginning with Rev 49 of the NA Selectees Organizational Chart Clarified - Figure 3 will now be  my dear & very committed childhood detailed special friend in Ulilia Edwards who will also retain the Personal Media Relations Coordinator position as well become a member of the Arbitration Group (4/3/2018)
  • The Administrative Quarterback Assistant now becomes the very dear & skilled manager in Laura Bush who will also be my Personal Office Administrator/Recorder ensuring that my personal office is effectively maintained by being the guardian of ALL public NA records for maintaining via hard copy as well as via electronic (disk) media, wherever they are generated, for ex, the Advocates, Database Organizer, Researcher, etc. & will also become a member of the Arbitration Group (4/3/2018),
  • Overall Asset Manager & Special Life Forms Advocate with additional functional responsibility for the Processes Examiner & Selectee Advocate functions as well as the Project Planner, also now will be a very dear, dedicated and accomplished Lady with her two (2) Assistants, one Coordinator, these roles now shown beginning with Rev 55 of the NA Selectees Organizational Chart Clarified - Figure 3 (3/25/2018). The Overall Manager will now retain this function (facilities coordination) in her group ensuring that this service provided by the Facilities Coordinator continues when on her 2 days off & the stand-in for her efforts will receive 1 day off for special activities every other month (for that support, in addition to any other days off in this regard), One of the two (2) is the Overall Assistant Asset Manager who will also now become the p/t Landscape Coordinator with responsibility for non residential assets and as appropriate who will now be the dear gifted lady of distinction who will be able to execute these responsibilities soundly and the new second Assistant will now be the daughter of the tragically slain Firestone individual as documented in the post THE MEMORIAL SITING THAT STOOD APART (3/28/2018). 
  • The roles of the Group Administrator,  Facilities Coordinator, Main Advocate Administrator as well as the Lead Project Planner are as described in the OVERCOMERS post,
  • There is also includes a 2nd Planner depicted beginning with Rev 56 of the NA Selectees Organizational Chart Clarified - Figure 3, which will now be one very close to the Overall Curator who will be the 2nd Planner and will provide the type of high quality work needed to ensure that all project activities requiring project plans meet the consistent standards expected in the NA (3/25/2018),   
  • The Bloggers will be that very dear memorable lady at whose residence most of my journey as a student was spent, Rachel Rawlins, the focus of the Blog post A DEDICATION FOR A DEAR GRIEVING MOTHER & the NA/my personal Video Developer & Blogger will now be special friend Margaret the subject of the Conservery (Historical ONLY) Blog post DISSAGREMENT DIVIDE AND MENDING as now shown beginning with Rev 30 of the NA Selectees Organizational Chart Clarified - Figure 3 (3/25/2018),
  • The extremely important Advocate for Mammals & Non-Mammals & Other Life Forms Referee positions will now be combined & filled by a lady of very much distinction as such is needed to assist me/the Special Advocate for Non Selectee Affairs with the healing that is required to be achieved by first identifying what is original as opposed to what are hybrids in the dear  lone female original in the New Arrangement who is an Overcomer, Clair for both Non-Mammal & Mammals areas appropriately now with the Personal Database Organizer very able activities that will compliment the functions of the Advocate & Referee (3/28/2018) &
  • The Processes Examiner & Facilitator roles are being combined & will be an individual with chief executive experience along with a part/time Examiner & Special Selectees Advocate assist who will also now be a close individual to the Examiner whose main p/t role will be with the various Exhibition/Museum activities and they will be tasked with reviewing them to ensure that the intended objectives are being met, which also now include the exhibit examiner's activities. The dual Selectees Advocate role for the p/t Examiner will be to assist with the determining of those with issues in need of addressing as depicted on the NA Selectees Organizational Chart Clarified - Figure 3 (3/25/018).
  • (➲)
  • Section 3 is as follows:
  • The former Technical Support Coordinator, Researcher & Facilities Inspector combined position, now called Special Services Retainer will be the very talented, supportive and detailed "Cheffete" long-time friend from Barbados who was the 1st Exhibits Examiner when the Museum & Exhibitions were being considered for separate locations and was prior to being selected for this appointment, the "Grandfathered" Residents large group Nature Artist (3/28/2018). Note: it was decided to keep the activities of the Special Services Retainer (Technical Support Coordinator, Researcher & Facilities Inspector), independent from the Overall Asset Management group and by default the Auxiliary & Administrative Grouping since the function of Facilities Inspector necessitates the type of oversight that requires it (3/28/2018) &
  • The Infrastructure Maintenance Technicians who provide needed technical support on an on-going basis will be the former Elizabeth Mcquillen, the surviving twin daughter of the former Vicki VonBhren eldest, Atallah Shabzz & the 2nd daughter of the slain court official (Kristofer Lyons) from the post A SUMMERTIME DEVELOPMENT (3/30/2018).  
In a few instances where its critical, temporary living arrangements will be made available until the fixed places become ready for occupancy.

 "Grandfathered" NA Residents Advocates will now be 1) the my long-time dear friend Denise the adopted daughter of my late Lecturer Mr. Abelew as well as 2) the very responsible, dedicated & dear daughter Renee of special friend Margaret the subject of the Conservery (Historical ONLY) Blog post DISSAGREMENT DIVIDE AND MENDING, who will also retain her other role below as well as an assistant the young daughter of Kim Kardashian, North West, & my sincere apologies for any inadvertent information that may have been included on these Pages that are typically an indication of the methods used by those who use such tactics to achieve outcomes taught by the disgraced Pretender as documented in the post THE FINAL SERVANT WHO NEVER BECAME AN OVERCOMER (3/30/2018). The groups are as listed below to distinguish the two (2) Groups (of 11 & 4), plus the Advocates, A TOTAL OF 17 FOR CONSISTENCY WITH THE DETAILS IN THE POST THE EIGHTEEN EVENTS THAT SHAPED THE EARTH'S HISTORY (3/24/2018).
  • The small group Advocate will also be Artistic Coordinator & will now be the very capable, dedicated & dear daughter Renee of special friend Margaret the subject of the Conservery (Historical ONLY) Blog post DISSAGREMENT DIVIDE AND MENDING who will assist group/me with the assembling & placement of artworks collection that also includes assisting with nature, scenic & other wholesome photography in addition to mounting the photos for this activity as further discussed in the post STRUCTURAL DETAILS REGARDING THE NEW ARRANGEMENT & an individual very closely connected to Renee will become the Nature Artist for the smaller group of "Grandfathered" Residents as well as Community Facilitator,
  • The Alternate Personal Media Relations Coordinator now will be my childhood & adolescent friend Olivia Gibbons, who will eventually be based in the USA for this position (while the main Coordinator will be based as appropriate between the USA & the Barbados) who will also become the Artistic Coordinator for the larger group. The Alternate will make the main Coordinator aware of contact details, immediately if urgent/critical & as appropriate for affecting the needed information depending on her schedule,
  • The Nature Artist will be my long-time acquaintance & supportive Guardian of youth Group dedicated member, the very assertive Ann Bailey referenced in the Conservery (Historical ONLY) blog post VERIFIABLE OUTCOMES ALWAYS RESULT FROM SOUND DECISIONS and the 2nd position will now be an assistant to the small group Advocate & Artistic Coordinator, who will be young North West the young daughter of Kim Kardashian (3/28/2018),
  • The "Grandfathered" Residents Interior Design Coordinator will be my long-time training partner Lorna Davis from the post WHEN TRAGEDY STRIKES LIKE THUNDER!, who will be assisted by the daughter of dear friend Helen, who resided in New Haven, CT while I resided in that state and with the "winning" personality displayed makes this a very worthwhile selection, in holding this opportunity available for eldest of Helen's offspring who is charting a different course in her life & this avenue will help this very "driven" & talented dear lady achieve this objective as well as the very accomplished and dedicated legislative/lawmaker type background lady in the very near and dear Senator Diane Feinstein who becomes the 2nd group Design Coordinator (3/22/2018), 
  • The Personal Database Organizer who will be the sibling of my colleague C. Bock from previous years, & will be assembling information about the various original mammals & non mammals,
  • The Landscape Coordinator who will be an unforgettable truly memorable friend from Cape Cod, MA, who will be assisted by Quibla another of the surviving Shabzz offspring and the Coordinator for the 2nd Group will be my youth group very dear and talented friend "Twinkle" Harris whose siblings are pictured in the Conservery (Historical ONLY) blog post VERIFIABLE OUTCOMES ALWAYS RESULT FROM SOUND DECISIONS, 
  • The Community Facilitators with the skills to be capable of assisting me/the Advocate with the development and implementing of Community Guidelines for the effective flow/management of commonly shared activities the main Group will be a very dear and effective friend in Kamla Persaud who will now be assisted by the very talented MIsha Thompson sibling of my long-time dear friend Denise the adopted daughter of my late Lecturer Mr. Abelew &
  • The Activity Coordinator for the main Group will now be the remaining surviving Shabzz offspringTwin Malkim (the other Coordinator is indicated above), and for the second group the Coordinator will now be Laquavia Bailey (Taylor) former long-time Youth Group very dedicated member, shown (& identified as being the young Lady who wanted her own photoas well as referenced in the Conservery (Historical ONLY) blog post VERIFIABLE OUTCOMES ALWAYS RESULT FROM SOUND DECISIONS who will now be Coordinator (3/15/2018).
Being removed from probation doesn't convey that "business as usual" should be practiced, if the high standards expected isn't adopted, removal from the Selectees and/or "Grandfathered" Residents list can and/or will be carried out as appropriate. 

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