Friday, December 28, 2018


This 2nd part of this post focuses on the cause of who really comprise the "Native Americans" in existence today on the various reservations in the contiguous USA, with the focus of REPOSTING OF AN EXCERPT FROM THE POST "AT WHAT PRICE LOYALTY" - Part 1 being on how the "Fairness Seekers" implemented their objectives (12/28/2018).
The Concluding Details:
None of the male descendants of Cedar Alpha (being both a male & female pair) who remained in what became known the 48 contiguous states survived because the females were needed by the colonists & THEY WERE TAKEN BY ANY MEANS DEEMED NECESSARY FOR POPULATION EXPANSION, because in reality ZERO TO NO female slaves were sold by the tribal warriors in Africa to those in the New World but only what was previously described above (gorilla females - 1/6/2019). See the Another Important Detail of Note section of the post THE REASON FOR THE FAULTS for related information (12/16b/2018). Those females who eventually ended up on the reservations either escaped from the frequent round-ups or from their colonists captors to become the descendants of those who mixed with escaped slaves except for one very daring escapee who not only fled from her captors (the Colonist), but managed to flee the young Nation as a stowaway aboard a vessel & ended up in the Land of my upbringing & it's through her that my very dear friend Pam as indicated in the post RARE SIGHTINGS!, was a descendant (3/2/2019). Cedar Alphas ONLY male surviving descendants were those who migrated to (&/or were placed in) Central & South America (as well as Mexico), Hawaii, the Inuit (or Eskimos) in Alaska & the son farthest who became the Father of the Chechen nation (2/26/2019). 
However, this sordid chapter wasn't finished, because almost all reservations eventually became nuclear toxic waste sites for income generation purposes simply put, as they were unable to participate in any meaningful income generation activities, as would be expected Helen & her (followers - 2/26/2019). This action set the stage for the compounding of the already devastating developments surrounding what should have been) Cedar Alpha's descendants (12/28/2018).


These planned (nuclear) sites then led to almost genocide being committed against these "undesirable" types in these communities as all older than four (4) years old who were not female were "buried" along with these toxic dumps & replaced with "free loaders" from among the neighboring countries to the south (through no fault of their own who only needed to possess the desire to improve their lifestyle conditions - 1/6/2019). 
This development had a serious impact on the 2nd part of the journey of this Servant, Cedar Omega, because it was this unknown detail to most that led to my being labeled as "legally inconsequential" because of my interaction with my dear "1st American" friend Lois Bruno the subject in part of the Conservery historical only Blog Conservery Dedication (12/28/2018). It is what that was done through my connection to Lois, which is in part described in the Conclusion of the post THE REASON FOR THE FAULTS, namely the enabling of the political maps in this Land of the Free & Home of the Brave to be redrawn (from a population standpoint expediently) that resulted in my being "legally" treated as non existent & (as a result in this Nation - 1/6/2019). It is because of such actions against this Servant unfairly that it truly cannot be said that "first hand" assistance was received to carry out the journey/quest as Cedar Omega as indicated in the Conclusion section of the post THE REASON FOR THE FAULTS! (2/26/2019).