Tuesday, April 17, 2018

THE LOSS OF AN INQUIRING INDIVIDUAL - New & Updated 4/17 & 4/19/2018 (Additional Update Dates are Below)

For the cause of an individual who wasn't ashamed to seek out when in need of answers, Melinda Gates, with the James F, Brazant Facebook Page Link to "The Loss Of An Inquiring Individual". See the New Arrangement Blog post STRUCTURAL DETAILS REGARDING ASSISTEES OUTSIDE OF WHAT'S NEW INCLUSIVE for what will be the currently protected Melinda's outcome (1/10/2019).

Who would believe that a simple inquiry one day,
could lead to undermining by those who were taught to disobey,
This endearing individual who even participated at the Pretender's tray,
In the end, was unlike those types he favored, come what may,
The "monster" he created defiantly,
Sidestepped dear Melinda with "glee".
This uncomplicated individual who wanted to seek out more than
what was "plain to see",
fell out of favor for being one to simply agree!


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