Tuesday, April 17, 2018

THE LOSS OF AN INQUIRING INDIVIDUAL - New & Updated 4/17 & 4/19/2018 (Additional Update Dates are Below)

For the cause of an individual who wasn't ashamed to seek out when in need of answers, Melinda Gates, with the James F, Brazant Facebook Page Link to "The Loss Of An Inquiring Individual". See the New Arrangement Blog post STRUCTURAL DETAILS REGARDING ASSISTEES OUTSIDE OF WHAT'S NEW INCLUSIVE for what will be the currently protected Melinda's outcome (1/10/2019).

Who would believe that a simple inquiry one day,
could lead to undermining by those who were taught to disobey,
This endearing individual who even participated at the Pretender's tray,
In the end, was unlike those types he favored, come what may,
The "monster" he created defiantly,
Sidestepped dear Melinda with "glee".
This uncomplicated individual who wanted to seek out more than
what was "plain to see",
fell out of favor for being one to simply agree!


Monday, April 9, 2018


The below Example 1 excerpt from the Conservery Historical ONLY Blog post FREELOADERS AND THEIR EXAMPLES is being included here for the cause of Natlee Holloway, who only desired freedom from a complicated lifestyle but instead was "imprisoned" in a temporary grave for approximately twelve (12) years (2005 - 2017). The saga of this Alabama high school student provides an excellent case-in-point of the skillful long-range planning of those who use such methods to achieve their objectives & a very disturbing as well as tragic reminder of the type of society ushered in by the Pretender & maintained by those who have chosen to follow in his footsteps.   

...Example 1:
A number of years ago a young female student from, Alabama, Natalee Holloway went on a High School graduation trip and never returned, and to this day that mystery, has never been solved even though suspicion has been cast on a specific individual, because he may have been the last individual to have been “seen” with her. This case took place in Aruba, in the Dutch Caribbean and received much high profile attention but it has never been really solved as no body has ever been found and attempts have been made to cast suspicion on a specific individual, whether or not he is the guilty party. What in my opinion, this covered up, is the disappearance of my dear friend Lois, who visited the land of my birth and citizenship, Barbados also in the Caribbean and her adopted second home as the post IS THERE A CONNECTION BETWEEN THE TARNISHINGS OF A FORMER TOP PROSECUTOR AND THE POWERFUL WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN (UPDATED)?, and like this student, never returned and her immediate family in Hempstead N,Y (and elsewhere) would have been in disarray wondering why and how such could have occurred with their relatives the “Seales” being their to accommodate her as usual. The implications would have been quite devastating because with her relatives (the Seales) being around nothing such as her disappearance could have or would have occurred as close knit as they were with them (and this I can relate from first hand experience, because when I first met and then became more acquainted with her, it was the Seales who brought her to my then Airport Air Cargo Terminal to collect the packages sent ahead of the first 1973 visit when I gained her acquaintance as the post THE OUTSPOKEN PEN PAL WHO BECAME A FRIEND EDITED W/INSERTS - UPDATED/AMENDED documents). This scenario would only have gotten worst, and would have lead to the Hempstead family making all types of enquiries in Barbados of who should have been the “Seales”, to no avail as they had been replaced as documented in the post THE CASE OF THE MISSING RECORDS - EDITED/UPDATED W/INSERTS. Ultimately, that family’s grief and circumstances only would have become more intense and eventually they ALL disappeared “Without-A-Trace”,...

Saturday, April 7, 2018

A LOST CHILDHOOD MEMORY! - Updated 4/19 & 8/10/2018 (Additional Update Dates are Below)

For the cause of the recently departed childhood playmate, dear friend & very close relative Ulilia Edwards with the James F. Brazant Facebook Page Link to the Video entitled "A Lost Childhood Memory!" who up to the time of her passing was among the NA (Inclusive) Selectees (1/22/2019). 

Childhood memories as this butterfly (pictured below) always remain & sometimes can even be reclaimed (1/22/2019),

Even though often we try to them regain,
as adults now separated by time, distance & many experiences
that seem as if they went down the drain.
These all describe my very dear friend & close relative Ulilia
with her quick wit,
that didn't allow anyone to miss even a bit,
with her big bold personality that made her a "hit".
That winsome girl grew into an adult with an even more capable grip,
with a willingness to assist, who readily deserved a "mit" (1/22/2019).
The years brought change & even though many left she stayed to sip,
and now the old neighborhood will be empty without her refrain like a whip!