Wednesday, October 4, 2017


This reposting of this Revised Comment from the (Historical ONLY) Conservery Blog post "THE DECISION TO ALTER MY RETURN TO MY HOMELAND AT THIS TIME - EDITED AND UPDATED" is being carried out in support of the cause of RESPECT FOR OTHERS. When consistent clarity is being communicated there should be no mistaking it, however, in the times we are living in as indicated in the lead-in to the previous post REPOSTING OFTHE POST EXAMPLES OF COURAGE there is definitely a serious deficiency in this area in our society. As an outcome of this type of "deep-rooted" clarity, respect for others will become the norm instead of what superficially passes for "all is well here", when anything but such takes place for the "undesired" by those who have made themselves out to be the "lords" of the society we live in. Please follow below.

of Importance (for COMMENT #3 from March 6, 2013):

One thing I have learned and have tried to live by is to command respect in my undertakings, if you act in a manner that communicates to others, that your processes, guidelines, your records and ultimately you as a people can be disrespected there is no bigger hole than you can dig for yourself, because there is nowhere left to hide. Respect is due all, and one should not be timid in communicating that message because if you cannot go to the into the processes of those expecting you to treat your uniqueness with disdain, and ask them to do what is being expected of you; then they should not be expecting such from you, it’s that simple. This simple rule is how my professionally life has been always patterned starting as a customs and Excise officer, when others carry themselves with disrespect and participate in the same types of conduct that they were there to prevent I chose differently and it resulted in respect for me in the activity for, which my presence was there to uphold, because scurrying could be heard when venturing out into the shed from the office area where the cargo was housed and one day one of the office workers commented, you know the shed workers are afraid of you, you are not like some of the others, they teat you with respect unlike others and I have not shied away from that pattern even today. If hired to implement environmental qualification criteria, I did just that in a manner that brought respect professionally, not love for me as an individual because allowances were made for those with whom I had to interact to treat my area of responsibility as though it didn’t matter so that they could implement anything in the field, it just was not the way conduct for what was being represented by me stood for and just as a less than proper respect was not associated with my conduct in the Bridgetown port as a Customs and Excise officer with responsibility for proper collections of duties; likewise I did not conduct myself in this manner in the nuclear plant in Iowa in my area of responsibility in any other manner than would not reflect the proper implementing of the Program criteria that was needed to ensure the health and safety of the public in case of a loss of coolant accident, because of the knowledge of what was ethically needed and it was implemented accordingly because of my training. Mine was not the career of an individual given to sign off on anything brought before me to approve because I was placed in a position for, which my qualification skills did not match what was needed to ensure proper implementation that would force me to sign whatever came before me because I felt obligated and didn’t know any better; on the contrary, in spite of all the targeted Information Notices that ”coincidentally’’ effected my area during my tenure (see the post ONE TOO MANY "COINCIDENCES" - THE FINALE UPDATED! involving problems that some in the very plant (who knew where all the bodies were buried) were aware of, but chose to use the regulatory agencies to bring them out to address (to make my life difficult), because they themselves either knew not how to or chose not to because of an awareness that such programmatic Guidelines didn't contribute to "a single megawatt at the facility" (specifically from those "Plant" types whose role it was to implement the Regulatory criteria), otherwise they would have taken care of the problems, and/or chose to turn a very "blind eye" to such for, which they were fined $50.000.00 on two different occasions to force management to address the Programmatic criteria, and it was for that cause that resulted in my being hired (10/5a&b/2018).

Overriding Objective
Even though during my tenure I was not permitted to do anything other than that specific function (by design), I left the Program in much better shape than it was found in at the time of my hiring because of the awareness of what ws needed and the vision to carry out my area of responsibility according to the required Guidelines in a professional manner regardless of whether or not I was "liked" as an individual because this approach commanded respect for the Process for, which I was the primary standard bearer. If in the process of fulfilling my responsibilities, there was anything I knew did not meet the Program requirements, my signature was NOT affixed to the activity simply put until such deficiencies were addressed accordingly.
It is never too late to command respect for your processes (as is taking place in a very significant way in the Country of my upbringing) in a manner in my opinion that causes their citizens to be proud to be identified with their


If you demonstrate respect for your processes others will also & this will transmit the message loud & clear that our processes aren't "for sale" to those who are of the opinion that they can only "befriend" you when they need something implemented in a manner that shows complete disrespect for your area of responsibility with regards your unique country, because such types typically are not playing by the rules they expect you to “condone”. When you show that there is respect on your part for the processes for, which you are responsible others will be forced to do the same and treat your area of responsibility as they would like you to treat theirs, after all that is only fairness!  

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